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<br /> 51 <br /> ORDINANCE 1986-31 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY mUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br /> MARCOS, TEXAS AMENDING SECTION 3 OF 'IRA T ORDINANCE <br /> ADOPTED MARCH 24, 1986 v\IHICH ORDERED A SPECIAL ELECTION <br /> 10 BE HELD ON APRIL 19, 1986 IF NO CANDIDATE FOR CITY <br /> COUNCI L MEMBER PLACE ONE ON THE BALLOT FOR THE GENERAL <br /> ELECTION HELD APRIL 5, 1986 RECEIVED A f\1AJORITY mTE <br /> AND WHICH ADOPTED CERTAIN OTHER PROVISIONS RELATI NG <br /> 'IR EREIO, 10 DELETE THE NAi'lE OF 'IRE ALTERNATE JUŒE FOR <br /> PRECINCT NO. 34 AND 10 SUBSTITUTE THEREFOR MILLIE <br /> BECHIOL; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ~1JAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS: <br /> SECTION 1. That Section 3 of that ordinance adopted March 24, <br />1986, which ordered a special election to be held on April 19, 1986 if <br />no candidate for city council member place one on the ballot for the <br />general election held April 5, 1986 received a majority vote and which <br />adopted certain other provisions relating thereto, be amended to delete <br />the name of Aart Millecam as alternate judge for Precinct No. 34 and to <br />substitute therefor Millie Bechtol. <br /> SECTI ON 2. That the importance of this Ordinance creates an <br />emergency and an imperative public necessity so that the provisions of <br />the Charter requiring that ordinances shall be presented at three <br />separate meetings and that no ordinance shall become effective until <br />the expiration of ten (10) days following the date of its final passage <br />be suspended, and these provisions are hereby suspended, and this <br />Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and <br />after its adoption and after its publication in a newspaper of general <br />circulation in the area as required by the Charter of the City of <br />San Marcos, Texas. <br />PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this ~ 1986. <br /> i <br /> \ <br />Published in the SAN MARCOS NEWS April 17, 1986. <br />