<br />Date: —August 24,2016
<br />Grantor: City ol'San Marcos, a Texas nuinicipai cooperation.
<br />Grantor'sMailing Address (including county): 630 East Hopkins Street, San Marcos, Hays County, Texas 78666
<br />Grantee: Qiivi_a Magma Farley ffariEgLi) .... .. ... ...... . ... . __,
<br />Grantee's Mailing Addresm (including county): 4624 �g Lane , San Marcos _iia ys_ County,jrX 786
<br />,66
<br />Consideration: Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration
<br />Property: Niche Number 3-A at. the San Marcos City Ccrticlery ColUl"bariton, according to the plat recorded ill VOlUrne 2,844,
<br />Page 602, of the Hays County Plat Records and as shown more particularly on the Attached Exhibit A.
<br />The Grantor, for the consideration, has; granted, sold an(] convcycd, and by these presents does grant. sell and convey unto
<br />Grantee, an exclusive right of sepulture in the Property,
<br />As as part of the consideration for the exclusive right cid' sepulture in, the Property, the Grantee agrees and under'stands that 1.Taa
<br />use of the Property shall he subject, always, to, tile restrictions irripc)sed from the time to firne by the City Council of the City ofSan
<br />Marcos in exercising Perpetual Care of the San Marcos City Cemetery and the laws cal" the State of Teras. This provision is binding
<br />upon the Property, acid the present all(] successive (:mners ihcreof, and inuring to Clic benefit of the Grantor, its successors and assigns,
<br />and to the benefit ofthe reniaining niches, crypts and lots in the cernetery, and the. present and successive owners thereof.
<br />This certil'icate is executed on behalf of(;rantor- by its Mayor, nand attested by its Clerk, as authorized by an ordinance passed
<br />t 6, 1924 of record in Vol, 6, at page 154, in the official minutes of(irantor's City Commission, this itic 1JOY& day cwt'20-&
<br />Attest:
<br />B
<br />le o
<br />Mayor
<br />BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, (in this (lay personally appeared, Daniel Guerrero, known to nic to he tile person whose narne
<br />is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledge(] to, inc that he executed the sarne, as the act and deed of the. City ofSan
<br />Marcos,Texas, a Municipal Corporation, and as tile Mayor thercof, and for the purpose and considcration therein expressed, and in the
<br />capacity therein stated.
<br />GIVENUNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE ilit ay )r I ajl�elv6y 20A
<br />wwiw ra�EUZABETHTREVINO Publ ic, State of I exas
<br />WMM. EXP 11-03-20191
<br />NY 10 112629293-8
<br />