<br />Date: —Auggst 24, 2016
<br />Grantor: City of San Marcos, a Texas municipal cooperation.
<br />Grantor's Mailing Address (including county): 630 East Hopkins Street, San Marcos, Hays County.Texas 78666
<br />Grantee: Barbara Davi.
<br />Grantee's Mailing Address (including county): 336 Ancient Oak "Nw'N'a ro 5an Marcos HMs.,, County, _IL 78666.
<br />Consideration: Ten Dollars and other- good and valuable ccrmsideration
<br />Property: Niche Number 7A, 7B at the San Marcos City Cemetery Columbarium, according to the plat recorded in Volume 2844,
<br />Page 602, cal` the Hays County Plat Records and as shown more particularly on (tic Anached Exhibit, A.
<br />Tire Grantor, for the consideration, has granted. sold ctncl convcyed, and by these presents does grant, sell and convey unio
<br />Grantee, an exclusive right of sepulture in the Property.
<br />As a part (if the consideration for the exclusive right cal` sepulture, in the Property, the Grantee agrees and understands that the
<br />use cal' the Property shall be subject, always, to the: restrictions in posed from the time to trine by the City Council cif the City ol'San
<br />Marcos in exercising Pcrlx,-tual Care of the San Marcos City Cemetery -arid the laws ofilre State (A–Fcxas, This provision is binding
<br />upon the Property, and the present and successive owners thereof, and inuring, to the 1-wriefii ofthe Grantor, its successors and assigns,
<br />and to the benefit of the remaining niches, cryptsand lots, in the cemetery, and the Present and successive owners thereof,
<br />]'his certificate is, executed on bchall'ol' Grantor by its Mayor, and attested by its Clerk, as authorized by in ordinance passed
<br />can 16, 1924 of record in Wad, 6, at page 154, in the official minutes ot'Grantor's City Commission, this the )(99f, day of
<br />20
<br />Attest:
<br />I r I
<br />Jam ic 1-1,Ctij [o() in, C, y rk
<br />I
<br />B
<br />D �a j u c r rc g (0)
<br />Mayor
<br />BEFORE, ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared, Daniel Guerrero, known to inc to be the person whose name
<br />is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to ruse; that he executed the same, ais the act and deed ofthe City ofSan,
<br />Marcos,Tcxas, as Municipal Corporation, and as the Mayor thereof. and for the purpose and consideration Ilicrcin expressed, and in the
<br />capacity therein stated.
<br />(31 VEN UN DER M Y H A N 1) AN D SEAL OF OF T,' t h ii s, ly of'
<br />�K Nt— � ly
<br />rruv EL17,AB ETHTREVIINO No* ublic, State of Texas
<br />COmit, EER 11.031 211th
<br />V
<br />V -8
<br />NOTARY 10 12629293
<br />