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ORDINANCE 2023-10 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE <br />5, DIVISION 4 OF THE SAN MARCOS CITY CODE <br />PERTAINING TO CAMPAIGN FINANCES TO CHANGE THE <br />METHOD OF SETTING AGGREGATE FUND RAISING <br />LIMITS FOR CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR OR CITY <br />COUNCIL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS: <br />SECTION 1. Chapter 2, Article 5 (Code of Ethics), Division 4. Campaign Finances of <br />the San Marcos City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2.042 of the City Code <br />is amended as follows: <br />DIVISION 4. CAMPAIGN FINANCES <br />Sec. 2.466. Definitions. <br />In this division: <br />Campaign contribution means and includes a contribution to a candidate for mayor or city <br />council in any of the following forms: a monetary contribution or a non -monetary contribution <br />(in-kind contribution). <br />Contributor means a natural person or a business entity other than a corporation. <br />Election cycle means the period of time beginning on the day after the last general election <br />for the office of mayor or council member of a particular council place and ending on the day of <br />the next general election for that position. <br />Sec. 2.467. Individual contribution limit. <br />A contributor may not make campaign contributions in an amount exceeding $500.00 per <br />election cycle to a candidate for mayor or to a candidate for council member of a particular <br />council place. This limit does not apply to contributions by a candidate to his or her own <br />campaign. <br />