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<br />00 <br />tg <br /> <br />REGULAR MEETcNG AULY 16, 1957 <br /> <br />ON this, the 16th day of July, at 2;00 P. M. the City Council of the City <br />of San iViarcos, Texas met in a regular meeting at the City Hall in San Marcos, <br />with the following members present and participating: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />c. M. Allen, Mayor <br />~. R. Beecroft, Alderman <br />B. D. Hillburn, Alderman <br />Herman Korff, Alderman <br />W. IVI. Davis, Alderman <br />H. M. Steakley, Alderman <br /> <br />Others present were: <br /> <br />B. E. Fuller, City Manager, Fredericka Hopkins, ;lirs. BeUlah Jobson, <br />Caesar Damon. <br /> <br />A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by ""ayor CH M. Allen <br />and the following transpired; <br /> <br />Mrs. Beulah Jobson came before the Council in regard to the bill from the <br />Hays County Gravel Company for S 47.25 for material used by her son in correcting <br />the drainage problem in front of her house. Mr. Beecroft made a motion to pay the <br />bill in the amount of 847.25 to the ciays County Gravel Company. Mr. Davis seconded <br />the motion. A vote was taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />Next on the agenda was the passing of an ordinance regulating the speed of <br />traffic upon that portion of hi.ghway 123 lying within corporate limits of City of <br />San Marcos. <br /> <br />Mr. <br /> <br />Hillburn made a motion to approve the passing of the following ordinance; <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SPEED CF TRAFFIC UPON THAT <br />POHTION OF STATE HIGHIIA\' 123 LYING WITHIN THE CORPOHATE <br />L~MITS OF THE CITY OF SAN w~COS, HAYS COUNTY, THROUGH <br />THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CERTAIN MAXIMUM SPEEDS FOH PAilTICULAI~ <br />SECTIONS OF SAID HIGHiIAYS; DEFINING WHAT ACTS WILL BE <br />UNLAWFUL AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE <br />PROVISIONS OF THIS Of<DINANCE; AND llEPEALING ALL OrmINANCES <br />AND HESOLUTIONS, AND PARTS If-IEHECF, IN CONFLICT HEHEi'IITH. <br /> <br />Mr. Beecroft secondEd the motion. A vote Was taken which resulted unanimously <br />in favor of the roo tion. The ordinance follows these minutes and i::.ecomes a part <br />hereof. <br /> <br />It was brought to the attention of the Council that Wm. J. Graham 11 Son <br />requested a minor chJnge in the wording of Clause 7 under the Lease Agreement <br />dated April 10, 1957. Mr. deecroft made a motion to accept the change in the <br />wording of Clause 7 under the lease agreement dated April 10, 1957. Mr. ,Hillburn <br />seconded the motion. A vote was taken which resulted unanimously :in favor of the <br />motion. <br /> <br />"The problem of i\,1rs. Edith Keen about installing a 4t1 sewer line to l.hree <br />houses in back of Miller Drive Inn and wants to know if she can hook on the other <br />five houses to a 4" line or will she have to put in a six inch linejwas the next <br />deciSion to make upon the a9'enda. It Was mutually 39reed that Mrs. Keen be given <br />a copy of the new sub-division ordinance and be told to abide by it. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The shrub ordinance was brought up because of some amendments suggested by <br />hlr. Ernest i110Ygan. It Was mutually agreed that Mr. Steakley study these amendments <br />and the Council will pass on them at a later date. <br /> <br />j,;ir. Hillburn made a motion that Mr. \(orff and j\itr. Fuller take the bids on the <br />water cooler and be authorized to buy a cooler for the front offices of the City <br />Hall. IJ;Y. Davis seconded the motion. A vote was taken which resulted unanimously <br />in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />h'lr. Hillburn made a motion that the Mayor be authorized and directed to sell <br />Ii fte~;n Thousand Dollars (S L;) 000.00) in Cit- - Expense War'rants, of the current <br />:Lssue authorized by the City Council i'i~ay 8th, 1957. $10,000.00 to the State 3an:( <br />and Trust :orn~any~ and :;5,000.00 to the First National Bank, the proceeds to be <br />deposited to the General ?und. l'.':r. Davis seconded -the motion" which on being put <br />to a vote was unanimously approved. <br />