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Mayor Narvaiz announced the Council would reconvene at 6:59 p.m. <br />Mayor Narvaiz introduced for consideration adoption or direction to Staff <br />on matters discussed in Executive Session. Mr. O'Leary stated the City <br />Council received an update and gave directions regarding the Hunter Road <br />area; IH -35 /McCarty Lane area, Downtown area, and Southside. He stated the <br />Council also received an Economic Development Prospect Update Report and <br />provided direction. He also stated Council will continue the discussion <br />regarding the City Clerk and City Attorney appointment after the Regular <br />Meeting. <br />Pastor Tom Ray of the Hill Country Church lead the Invocation. <br />Mayor Narvaiz lead the Pledge of Allegiance. <br />Mayor Narvaiz introduced the Citizen Comment Period. 1) Shayne Brown <br />stated she wished to speak on Item #20, adoption of Resolution. She <br />encouraged the Council to table the Resolution so the demographics can be <br />reviewed. She stated she feels the population numbers include the Texas <br />State University students and numbers from the Austin Apartment <br />Association. 2) Camille Philips stated she wished to speak on Item #30, <br />discussion. She thanked the Council for adding the Craddock Park <br />discussion. She stated she had provided several letters of support earlier <br />to the Council. She also encouraged the Council to support Craddock Park. <br />3) Michelle Johnson stated she wished to speak on Item #30, discussion. <br />She stated she opposes the proposed Craddock Park. She stated she feels <br />San Marcos needs more commerce and needs to put more towards economic <br />development. She stated she feels parks are important, but San Marcos <br />needs higher paying jobs. 4) Sherri Bilson stated she wished to speak on <br />Item #30, discussion. She stated she supports the proposed Craddock Park. <br />She stated she does not want to see a large discount store on this <br />property. She stated this park would be 45 acres and the largest park in <br />San Marcos. 5) Tom Rhoades stated he wished to speak on Item #30, <br />discussion. He stated he supports the proposed Craddock Park. He stated <br />he has contacted twenty of his neighbors and none of them opposed this <br />park. 6) Vaughn Thayer stated he wished to speak on Item #30, discussion. <br />He stated he supports the proposed Craddock Park. He stated this park <br />would be a great attribute coming from Ranch Road 12. <br />Mayor Narvaiz introduced the Staff Report. Mr. O'Leary stated he did not <br />have a report at this time. <br />Mayor Narvaiz introduced the City Council Reports. 1) Ms. Robertson stated <br />she attended the Economic Benefits of Local Climate Action Workshop in <br />Fayetteville, Arkansas. She stated she feels this workshop was very <br />beneficial. 2) Ms. Robertson stated she attended the Mondays with the <br />Mayor on July 16, 2007. 3) Mr. Guerrero stated he attended a conference in <br />Hotel and Casino in Opryland were they hosted several 5,000 person <br />conferences at the same time. He stated he feels our conference center has <br />the same potential. 4) Ms. Couch thanked all of the volunteers who put on <br />