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the Summerfest this year. She stated she felt it was successful. 5) Ms. <br />Couch stated she also attended Mondays with the Mayor and she thanked <br />everyone who came to visit. 6) Ms. Couch stated she also attended the San <br />Marcos Manufactures Association and the Chamber of Commerce Luncheon <br />regarding Legislative Updates. 7) Mr. Bose stated he also attended <br />Summerfest and he thanked everyone for a successful event. 8) Mayor <br />Narvaiz stated she will be hosting a brunch for a group of Delegates from <br />China on Saturday, July 21St. She stated the City Clerk's Office will <br />contact the Council with additional information. 9) Mayor Narvaiz stated <br />the 51St Southwest Regional School and Conference for Water /Wastewater was <br />held in San Marcos the week of July 8th, which was the largest attended. <br />She stated she attended the General Assembly and the Exhibitors' Dinner. <br />She stated Tony Salinas with the Water /Wastewater was the Conference Chair; <br />she thanked him for his hard work and for bringing people to San Marcos. <br />10) Mayor Narvaiz thanked Peter Beans with Texas State University for his <br />simulcast musical during the Summerfest Fireworks. 11) Mayor Narvaiz <br />stated she also attended the San Marcos Manufactures Association and the <br />Chamber of Commerce Luncheon regarding Legislative Updates. She thanked <br />Representative Patrick Rose for providing the update. <br />Mayor Narvaiz introduced for consideration approval of minutes of the <br />Regular Meeting held July 3, 2007, adoption of three Ordinances on third <br />and final reading and adoption of eight Resolutions, on consent. The <br />Council pulled Items 19 and 21, adoption of Resolution to be considered <br />separately. Mr. Jones moved for approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting <br />held July 3, 2007, adoption of three Ordinances on third and final reading <br />and adoption of the remaining six Resolutions, on consent, and Mr. <br />Thomaides seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The captions of <br />the Ordinance and Resolutions read as follows: <br />Adoption of Ordinances on third and final reading: <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS <br />APPROVING THE RELEASE AND CONVEYANCE OF A WATER LINE EASEMENT ACROSS <br />PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CENTER POINT COURT SUBDIVISION; AUTHORIZING <br />THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE RELEASE AND CONVEYANCE; AND DECLARING <br />AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS,TEXAS <br />ESTABLISHING A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS AND <br />CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP., DBA CENTERPOINT ENERGY TEXAS GAS <br />OPERATIONS., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND <br />FRANCHISE FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) YEARS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, <br />MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN THE <br />CITY OF SAN MARCOS, HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING CONDITIONS <br />CONTROLLING THE USE BY CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP. DBA <br />CENTERPOINT ENERGY TEXAS GAS OPERATIONS OF PUBLIC PROPERTY <br />ESTABLISHING STANDARDS OF SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF FRANCHISE <br />FEES BY CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP., DBA CENTERPOINT ENERGY <br />TEXAS GAS OPERATIONS TO THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE; PROVIDING <br />