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<br /> the current boundaries of the City of f:an Marcos, Texas: nolo', <br /> therefore, <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY WE CITY. COUNCIL OF WE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br /> TEXAS: <br /> SECTI ON 1. That the following described property, being 3.7463 <br /> acres of land adjoining the existinG city limi ts of the City <br /> of San P1arcos, Texas, out of the T. H .~~. Forsyth Survey, Hays County, <br /> Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as <br /> follows: <br /> FIELD NOTES describing 3.7463 acres of land situated in a tract <br /> called the Second Tract in a conveyance from A.B. Rogers and <br /> will G. Barber to Edwin C. ~\1illis, Volume 107, page 130, deed <br /> records, T.H.W. Forsyth 9...lrvey, Hays County, Texas, and <br /> described by rÅ“tes and bounds as follows: <br /> BEGINNING at an iron pin found marking the æst corner of this <br /> tract, the west corner of the called Second Tract, the sou th <br /> corner of a tract called 9.75 acres in a conveyance recorded in <br /> Volume 138, Page 364, and situated in the northeast line of a <br /> tract called the First Tract described in Volume 107, Page 130, <br /> Deed Records, Hays County, Texas; <br /> WENCE with the fenced COTI1IIDn line between the called Second <br /> Tract and the called 9.75 acre tract, N47°321 59" E 341.84 <br /> feet, N 4~ 30' 27" E 158.1 feet, N 46°16' 19" E 158.29 feet and <br /> N 46' 26' 42" E 3.2 feet to a point marking the north corner of <br /> this tract: <br /> WENCE S 79° 441 E 272.96 feet to a point marking the east corner <br /> of this tract situated in the common line betæen the Forsyth <br /> Survey and the E. Clark Survey: <br /> THENCE wi th the fenced comrron line betæen the Forsyth Survey <br /> and the E. Clark Survey, S 46 °301 27" W 133.61 feet to an iron <br /> ° ° <br /> pin found, S 46 331 22" W 399.12 feet and S 46 17' 42" W 282.47 <br /> feet to an iron pin marking the south corner of this tract, the <br /> east corner of the called First Tract; <br /> THENCE with the common line between the called Second Tract and <br /> the called First Tract, N 45°24' W 226.55 feet to the PLACE OF <br /> BEGINNING and containing 3.7463 acres of land; <br /> be, and the sane is hereby, annexed to the City of San Marcos, Texas. <br /> SECTION 2. That the Service Plan for said area, a copy of which <br /> is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and <br /> purposes, be, and the same is hereby, approved. <br /> SECTION 3. That the corporate limits of said City be, and the <br /> same are hereby, extended to include said described terri tory. <br /> SECTION 4. That said described territory shall henceforth be a <br /> part of the City of San Marcos, Texas, and any inhabitants thereof <br /> shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of all citizens, and <br /> shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of <br /> said City. <br /> SECTI ON 5. That this Ordinance shall be in effect ten (10) <br /> days from and after its passage, and it shall be published in a <br /> newspaper of general circulation in the area as required by the <br /> Charter of the City of San Marcos, Texas. <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading June 3, 1986. <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED on secoI)g reading June 4, 1986. <br /> PASSED, APPROVED AND AOOPr~~:tr 5'.,1986. <br /> J ~l, . . ¡~ . . " <br /> ) . .J_... I <br /> (' .,~. p;;- y~~;~ <br /> Mayor <br />