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<br />74 <br />ORDINANCE 1986-50 <br /> <br />f'I) AN ORDINANCE OF 'IRE CITY COUNCIL OF 'IRE CITY OF SA\! <br />C'\\ MARCOS, TEXAS, ANNEXING TO SAID CITY 'IW) (2) TRACTS OF LAND <br />A= OUT OF THE J. M. VERAi'1ENDI SJRVEY NO.2, TRACT 1 BEING <br />~ 0.50 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF LAND AREA, BEING THAT 0.50 <br />ACRE TRACT CONVEYED BY SAN MARCOS INDUSTRIAL FOUNDATION, <br />INC. TO C.C. HOLT, ET UX, BY DEED DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 1978 <br />AND ROCORDED IN VOLUME 316, PAGE 380 OF 'IRE HAYS COUN'IY <br />DEED RECORDS, SAID 0.50 ACRE TRACT BEING A FORTION OF THAT <br />6.80 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED BY C.C. HOLT TO CHARLES D. NASH, <br />JR. BY DEED DATED OCTOBER 15, 1984 AND RECORDED IN VOLUME <br />475, PAGE 580 OF 'IRE HAYS COUN'IY DEED RECORDS; TRACT 2: <br />BEING 4.57 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AND BEING ALL OF THAT 2.58 <br />ACRE TRACT CONVEYED BY SAN MARCOS INDUSTRIAL FOUNDATION, <br />INC. TO IœER COIORADO RIVER AU'IRORITY BY DEED DATED <br />APRIL 25, 1979 AND ROCORDED IN VOLUME 295, PAGE 228 OF <br />THE HAYS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, BEING ALL OF THAT 1.00 <br />ACRE TRACT CONVEYED BY JACK GARY TO PEDERNALES ELOCTRIC <br />COOPERATIVE, INC. BY DEED DATED MARCH 9, 1964 AND <br />RECORDED IN VOLUME 199, PAGE 536 OF 'IRE HAYS COUN'IY DEED <br />ROCORDS, AND BEING ALL OF THAT 1.00 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED BY <br />WI LBURN LEE WI LLIAMS TO IOWER COIORADO RIVER AU'IRORITY BY <br />DEED DATED APRIL 14, 1977 AND ROCORDED IN VOWME 195, <br />PAGE 235 OF 'IRE HAYS COUN'IY DEED RECORDS: SAID LAND BEING <br />IDCATED WITHIN 'IRE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURI SDICTION OF <br />SAID CITY AND LYING ADJACENT TO PRESENT CITY OOUNDARIES: <br />APPROVING A SERVICE PLAN FOR SAID TRACTS: EXTENDING 'IRE <br />OOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY ED AS TO INCWDE SAID <br />TRACTS; GRANTING TO THE INHABITANTS OF SAID TRACTS ALL <br />'IRE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF O'IRER CITIZENS OF SAID CITY; <br />BINDING SAID INHABITANTS BY ALL OF 'IRE ACTS AND <br />ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY; AND <br />DOCLARING AN EFFOCTIVE DATE. <br /> <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Marcos, Texas, <br />provided an opbX)rtunity for all interested persons to be heard at two <br />(2) public hearings, held once on Bay 12, 1986 , and once on <br />May 13, 1986 , to consider the probX)sed annexation by the <br />Ci ty of San Marcos, Texas, of TRACT 1: 0.50 acres, more or less, <br />of land area in the J.M. Verarrendi Survey, No.2, being that 0.50 <br />acre tract conveyed by San Marcos Industrial Foundation, Inc. to <br />C.C. Holt, et ux, by deed dated September 21, 1978 and recorded in <br />Volume 316, Page 380 of the Hays County Deed Records, said 0.50 <br />acre tract being a portion of that 6.80 acre tract conveyed by <br />C.C. Holt to Charles D. Nash, Jr. by deed dated October 15, 1984 <br />and recorded in Volume 475, Page 580 of the Hays County Deed Records, <br />and TRACT 2: 4.57 acres, more or less, of land in the J.M. <br />Verarrendi Survey No.2, being all of that 2.58 acre tract conveyed <br />by San Marcos Industrial Foundation, Inc. to Lower Colorado River <br />Authority by deed dated April 25, 1979 and recorded in Volume 295, <br />Page 228 of the Hays County Deed Records, being all of that 1.00 <br />acre tract conveyed by Jack Gary to Pederna1es Electric Cooperative, <br />Inc. by deed dated March 9, 1964 and recorded in Volume 199, Page <br />536 of the Hays County Deed Records and being all of that 1.00 <br />acre tract conveyed by Wilburn Lee Williams to Lower Colorado River <br />Authority by deed dated April14, 1977 and recorded in Volume 195, <br />Page 235 of the Hays County Deed Records, said tracts being more <br />particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />TRACT 1: <br /> <br />COMMENCING at an iron rod set for a concrete monument found in <br />September 1978 at Engineer's Station 741+72.6, being in the <br />northwest line of Interstate Highway No. 35 for the most <br />southerly east corner of that 166.61 acre tract conveyed by San <br />Marcos Industrial Foundation, Inc. to Butler Manufacturing <br />Company by deed dated September 14, 1979 and recorded in Volume <br />331, Page 573 of the Hays County Deed Records: <br /> <br />THENCE with the cormnon line of the Butler tract and LH. No. 35, <br />the following two courses: <br /> <br />1. S24° 29'36"W 1531.31 feet to a concrete monument found at <br />Engineer IS Station 757+03.91 and <br />2. S 2Ef 471 50"W 357.75 feet to a fence post for the cormnon <br />corner of the BJt1er tract and the Nash tract and being <br />