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<br />18 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ORDINANCE 1985-84 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF 'IRE CITY COUNCIL OF 'IRE CITY OF SAN <br />MARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 3 OF THAT ORDINANCE WHICH <br />RffiULATES AND RESTRICTS 'IRE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, <br />STRUC'IURES AND LAND, DATED JUNE 13, 1984 (VOL. 66) BY <br />CHANGING 'IRE ZONING OF 5.92 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF LAND IN <br />'IRE J.M. VERAMENDI LEAGUE EDRVEY NO.2, HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS, <br />BEING A roRTION OF THAT 'IRACT CALLED 7.775 ACRES IN A <br />DEED FROM JOHN S. LIDYD, TRUSTEE, 10 JOHN LIDYD DEVEIDFMENT <br />COMPANY BY DEED DATED DECEMBER 1, 1983, AS RECORDED IN <br />VOLUME 407, PAGE 672 OF THE HAYS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, <br />LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 400 I ffiU'IREAST OF LINDA LANE ON <br />BUGG LANE, FROM "c" (COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) 10 "MF-4" <br />(MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT); AMENDING 'IRE FU'IURE LAND USE PLAN <br />(MAP) OF 'IRE MASTER PLAN OF SAID CITY AND DECLARING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS: <br /> <br />SECTION I. That the following described tract of real property <br />located in San Marcos, Hays County, Texas, which is presently zoned <br />"c" (Commercial) henceforth shall be rezoned "MF-4" (Multi-family <br />District) . <br /> <br />5.92 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF LAND IN 'IRE J.M. VERAM END I <br />LEAGUE EDRVEY NO.2, HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS BEING A roRTION OF <br />THAT 'IRACT CALLED 7.775 ACRES IN A DEED FROM JOHN S. LIDYD, <br />TRUSTEE, 10 JOHN LIDYD DEVEIDFMENT COMPANY BY DEED DATED <br />DECEMBER I, 1983, AS RECORDED IN VDLUME 407, PAGE 672 OF <br />'IRE HAYS mUNTY DEED RECORDS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY <br />DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS F'OLIDWS: <br /> <br />BffiINNING at a Texas Highway O9partrœnt concrete rronument found <br />for the rrost westerly corner of the John Lloyd O9veloprœnt <br />Company's 7.775 acre tract and this tract, being the south <br />corner of that 0.456 acre tract conveyed from Ruby Wilson <br />Salisbury to the State of Texas by deed dated May 4, 1961 as <br />recorded in Volume 186, Page 338 of the Hays County Oged <br />Records, being the southwest corner of the remainder of that <br />5.618 acre tract conveyed from Onar S:nith to S:nith Dairy Queens <br />by deed dated August 19, 1982 as recorded in Volume 380, Page <br />860 of the Hays County Oged Records, and being in the northeast <br />line of Bugg Lane; <br /> <br />THENCE leaving Bugg Lane, the State of Texas tract and the <br />PLACE OF BffiINNING as shown on that plat numbered 21816-85-b <br />dated March 22, 1985 as prepared for Clarion Corporation by <br />Byrn & Assoc ia tes, Inc. of San Marcos, Texas wi th the common <br />line of the John Lloyd Developrœnt Company's 7.775 acre tract <br />and the S:nith Dairy Queen tract N85°47'52"E 172.09 feet to an <br />iron rod found for the southeast corner of the S:ni th Dairy <br />Queen tract and the southwest corner of that tract described as <br />0.998 acres in a deed from Hinds Partnership to Morgan F'uschak <br />dated August 24, 1982 and recorded in Volume 380, Page 882 of <br />the Hays County Deed Records; <br /> <br />THENCE leaving the S:ni th Dairy Queen tract wi th the cormron line <br />of the Lloyd O9veloprœnt Company IS 7.775 acre tract and the <br />F'uschak tract N8S<> 261 15"E 166.86 feet to an iron rod found for <br />a reentrant corner of the John Lloyd Developrœnt Company's <br />7.775 acre tract and the southeast corner of the F'uschak tract, <br />pass at approximately 96 feet an overhead utility line, pass <br />also a guy wire; <br /> <br />'IRENCE leaving the F'uschak tract and crossing the John Lloyd <br />O9veloprœnt Company IS 7.775 acre tract, the following three <br />courses: <br /> <br />1. N85 ~6' 15"E 161.84 feet to the Fbint of CUrvature of a <br />left-breaking curve, <br /> <br />2. with said left-breaking curve, having the following <br />characteristics: 091 ta = 40° 55 '31" , Radius = 134.00 <br />