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<br />3 <br /> <br />Regular Meeting <br /> <br />May 11, 1987 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Mr. Guerra seconded the motion which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Younger introduced for consideration approval of appointment <br />to Storm Drainage Advisory Board Area Three. Mr. Hernandez moved <br />to appoint Mr. Lorenzo Rodriguez and Ms. Kissler seconded the mo- <br />tion which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Younger introduced for consideration approval of appointments <br />to the Plumbing Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Mr. Guerra stated <br />he had tried on several occasions to contact his nominees but was <br />unsuccessful each time. Mr. Guerra moved to appoint Mr. Vic Issak and <br />Mr. Don Soechting as members from the building industry and Mr. Brown <br />seconded the motion which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Younger introduced for consideration an appeal of Southwest <br />Builders of Capital Recovery Fee for New Construction payment pursuant <br />to Section 30-47 and 30-67 of the Code of Ordinances. Mr. Tom Flanders <br />was present to speak to the appeal. He passed out a hand-out to the <br />Council and read it into the record. He stated his project was 10 one <br />bedroom efficiency apartments and requested a reduction of fees for L.U.E. <br />fees of 43% which would equal $1,083.00. City Manager Gonzalez stated <br />that a determination was needed in regards to whether or not the Council <br />would change the fees to grant refunds or not to grant refunds with this <br />appeal and past and future appeal requests. Mr. Boeker and City Manager <br />Gonzalez will prepare a study of LUEs to present to the Council by <br />July 31, 1987. Mayor Younger stated that the Council should wait <br />on a decision regarding payment of fees under protest until the <br />study was reviewed. It was the consensus of the Council to do so. <br /> <br />Mayor Younger introduced for consideration approval of Council Policy <br />Statement to be used by the City Manager as direction during the <br />preparation of City Manager's proposed budget for Fiscal Year October, <br />1987 - September, 1988. Susan Ripps read the policy statement into <br />the record (copy with corrections/amendments attached). Mr. Farr <br />moved to amend the statement in sentence #2-substitute the word current <br />for increased; #4-substitute differentiate for recognize; and to add <br />the following language as #15: "Staff should be instructed to pre- <br />pare a budget that will carry them through the entire fiscal year. <br />Council should not allow "mid-year" budget amendments unless those <br />amendments are of a critical nature. Critical in this case should <br />be defined as amendments without which the City would be jeopardizing <br />the welfare and safety of the public." and Mr. Hernandez seconded the <br />motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Nicola moved to adopt the Policy <br />Statement with amendments and Ms. Kissler seconded the motion which <br />passed unanimously. Mr. Nicola wanted the record to show that an effort be made for <br />merit pay for all employees. <br />Mayor Younger introdùced for consideration a public hearing and adoption <br />of Zoning Ordinance, the caption which was read as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, AMENDNG SECTION 3 OF THAT ORDINANCE WHICH REGULATES <br />RESTRICTS THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES <br />AND LAND, DATED JUNE 13, 1984 (VOL. 66) BY ZONING .236 <br />ACRES MORE OR LESS IN THE J.M. VERAMENDI LEAGUE NO.2, <br />CITY OF SAN MARCOS, HAYS COUNTY TEXAS; A/K/A 2203 POST ROAD <br />FROM "M" (SINGLE, FAMILY, DUPLEX NIEGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT) <br />TO "MR" (MOBILE HOME AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT); AND DECLARING <br />AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br />Mayor Younger declared the public hearing open. There was no one <br />present to speak for or in opposition of the Ordinance. Mayor Younger <br />declared the public hearing closed. Mr. Guerra moved to adopt the <br />Ordinance and Ms. Kissler seconded the motion which passed unanimously. <br />