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F'?•.' r <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1981-86 <br />i <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />MARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 3 OF THAT ORDINANCE <br />- WHICH REGULATES AND RESTRICTS THE LOCATION AND USE <br />t' OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND LAND, DATED SEPTEMBER <br />'_. >, 29, 1980 (VOL. 54) BY ZONING THREE TRACTS OF LAND <br />DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: (1) FIRST TRACT: 40.16 <br />ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, OUT OF THE J. M. VERA- <br />MENDI LEAGUE NO. TWO AND BEING A PORTION OF LOT NO. <br />8 OF THE SHADRACH DIXON SUBDIVISION, FROM "AO" (AGRI- <br />CULTURAL-OPEN SPACE DISTRICT) TO "C" (COMMERCIAL DIS- <br />TRICT); (2) SECOND TRACT: 2.59 ACRES OF LAND, BEING <br />A PORTION OF LOT NO. 8 OF THE SHADRACH DIXON SUBDIVI- <br />SION, FROM "AO" (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE DISTRICT) TO <br />"C" (COMMERCIAL DISTRICT); AND (3) THIRD TRACT: 19.32 <br />ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, OUT OF THE J. M. VERAMEN- <br />DI LEAGUE NO. TWO AND BEING A PORTION OF LOT NO. 8 OF <br />THE SHADRACH DIXON SUBDIVISION, FROM "AO" (AGRICUL- <br />TURAL-OPEN SPACE DISTRICT) TO "LI" (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL <br />DISTRICT). <br />108 <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS: <br />SECTION 1. That the following described parcel of real property lo- <br />cated in San Marcos, Hays County, Texas, which was classified "AO" <br />(Agricultural-Open Space District) upon its annexation to the City <br />of San Marcos on May 26, 1981, henceforth shall be zoned as fol- <br />lows: <br />FIRST TRACT: 40.16 acres of land, more or less, out of the J. M. <br />Veramendi League No. 2, Hays County, Texas, being that 12.59 acre <br />tract of land conveyed to L. B. McClanahan by L. A. Fritts by deed <br />dated July 3, 1944, and recorded in Volume 130, Page 263, Hays <br />County Deed Records, and being a portion of Lot 8 of the Shadrach <br />Dixon Subdivision of record in Volume E, Page 349, Hays County Deed <br />Records, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds <br />as follows, to-wit: <br />BEGINNING at a concrete monument at the South corner of the said <br />Lot 8, for the South corner of the tract herein described; <br />THENCE, with the Southwest line of the said Lot 8, N. 440 52' W., <br />694.77 feet to a concrete monument at the East corner of Lot 7 of <br />the said Shadrach Dixon Subdivision, same being the East corner of <br />The Chimney Place, a subdivision of record in Book 2, Page 177, Hays <br />County Plat Records, for a corner of the tract herein described; <br />THENCE, leaving the said Lot 7 and the said Chimney Place, N. 45° 05' <br />E., 200.00 feet to a re-entrant corner of the tract herein described; <br />THENCE, with a line 200.00 feet Northeast of and parallel to the <br />Southwest line of the said Lot 8, the Northeast line of the said <br />Lot 7, N. 44° 55' W., 248.76 feet to the intersection with the pro- <br />jection of the Northwest line of Mill Street, as shown by plat of <br />the said Chimney Place, for a corner of the tract herein described; <br />THENCE, with the said projection of the Northwest line of the said <br />Mill Street, N. 45° 06' E., 1114.39 feet to the Northeast line of <br />the said Lot 8, for a corner of the tract herein described; <br />THENCE, with the Northeast line of the said Lot 8, S. 45° 01' E., <br />248.92 feet to the West corner of the said McClanahan 12.59 acre <br />tract, for a re-entrant corner of the tract herein described; <br />THENCE, leaving the said Lot 8, with the Northwest line of the said <br />McClanahan 12.59 acre tract, the following courses numbered (1) and <br />(2) :