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<br />32 <br /> <br />Regular Meeting <br /> <br />September 28, 1992 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Mayor Morris introduced for consideration Item S.C. removed from the <br />consensus agenda, adoption of an Ordinance on third and final <br />reading, the caption which was read as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 2-31 OF THE SAN MARCOS CODE OF <br />ORDINANCES TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF POSITIONS WITHIN THE <br />CLASSIFICATION OF POLICE OFFICER FROM TWENTY-TWO TO <br />TWENTY-FOUR; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND DECLARING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br />Mr. Moore moved for adoption of the Ordinance on third and final <br />reading and Mr. Hart seconded the motion. Mr. Gilley advised the <br />plan for downtown is not solely a police issue. The City'S plan <br />includes (1) increased police patrol, (2) improved lighting in some <br />areas, particularly Hopkins and LBJ, (3) Teen Program Development <br />through the Parks and Recreation Department for a "Friday Night Out" <br />to be initiated in October, (4) an increased level of parents' <br />education, (5) review the SUP Ordinance to address how many bars are <br />allowed downtown, and (6) insure to public we have a Police <br />Department that is willing to serve the City. Mr. Guerra stated he <br />appreciates the customer service "sensitivity" training. Mayor <br />Morris stated she was in the downtown area last Friday night, and <br />lighting at the entrances of businesses is needed or lights through <br />display windows. Mr. Gilley stated the plan will not eliminate the <br />problems but hopes it will be a step towards a solution, and also <br />hopes the business owners will continue to provide input for further <br />solution. Mr. Hart asked what mechanism the City has to know what <br />the citizens want, and Mr. Gilley stated the Master Plan Update. <br />Lupe Carbajal stated the Downtown Association wants a short-term <br />solution to include assigning two patrolmen to downtown. Mr. Gilley <br />stated the Police Department can send a Crime Prevention Officer to <br />a downtown meeting. Charles Sims stated there are not enough police <br />officers to respond to his needs. Mr. Gilley stated the Police <br />Department is adequately responding to calls, and there is no <br />recommendation for additional officers. Myra Westover asked what <br />the ratio of Police Officers to citizens is, and Chief Martin did <br />not know but stated it does vary and the student population is taken <br />into consideration. Mr. Moore asked Mr. Gilley if the Police <br />Department is designed to respond to peak demands, and Mr. Gilley <br />stated that it is. He stated San Marcos must also plan for growth <br />of the city, and that more information would follow regarding the <br />Reserve Program. The Council voted unanimously for adoption of the <br />Ordinance on third and final reading. <br /> <br />Mayor Morris introduced for consideration Item 6.A., award of bid of <br />the Cemetery Maintenance Contract. Mr. Guerra moved to award bid to <br />Gene Bagwell in the amount of $51,689.40 and Mr. Moore seconded the <br />motion. Mr. Hart expressed concern for the two low bidders. The <br />two low bidders were not qualified to bid on the contract, as the <br />specifications required the bidders to have three years experience <br />in cemetery maintenance and three referrals. The Council voted <br />unanimously for award of the bid to Gene Bagwell. <br /> <br />Mayor Morris introduced for consideration Item 5.D.(3) removed from <br />the consensus agenda, adoption of a Resolution, the caption which <br />was read as follows: <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, AGREEING TO WITHHOLD TERMINATION OF LEASES OF AIRPORT <br />PROPERTY TO GT+3 FLIGHT OPERATIONS, INC.; AND DECLARING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br />Mayor Morris moved to deny approval of the Resolution and Mr. Guerra <br />seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Morris introduced for consideration Item 5.D.(10) removed from <br />the consensus agenda, adoption of a Resolution, the caption which <br />was read as follows: <br />