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04111994 Regular Meeting
City Clerk
01 City Council Minutes
1990 s
04111994 Regular Meeting
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Regular Meeting
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<br />2 <br />Regular Meeting April 11, 1994 Page 2 <br />Mayor Morris opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to <br />speak. Jeff Kester spoke in favor of the land use amendment. He <br />thinks this is the best site for the location of the barracks <br />building for the neighborhood. It is a perfect sized lot for this <br />facility. He showed the site plan to the Council and stated he felt <br />the building could be renovated to be an asset. He stated the <br />project could be completed in eleven months. The grant funds ------ <br />applied for total $115,000.00, and the building is 2400 square feet. f <br />Mr. Patterson advised the zoning Commission was concerned about the ! <br /> i <br />location of the project, and staff suggested other city-owned <br />property in the Dunbar area on Valley street, which would have no <br />immediate impact on the neighbors. Mr. Kester stated there could be <br />buffering between the property and the neighbors, such as a photenia <br />hedge or fencing. He stated there are no outside activities planned <br />except basketball courts, and there should not be any noise. Mr. <br />Patterson advised the immediate neighbors to this property do not <br />want this project next door to them and are proud of their <br />single-family neighborhood. Mr. Kester stated the project wanted to <br />be located in the main stream of the neighborhood. The Council <br />indicated they are supportive of the project. Kyev Tatum stated the <br />property is now vacant with weeds and brush. He stated they want to <br />create a sense of community for that area and want the area èleaned <br />up. This project will help to make it a beautiful community and <br />will help to revitalize the area. He stated the grants may be <br />jeopardized with a change of location, as the project may be viewed <br />to not have merit. Barbara Rennicks stated this is a good project, <br />and they do not want this building to be located outside their <br />neighborhood. Fred Douglas White stated he is in favor of the NAACP <br />project, but he does not want this old building in their <br />neighborhood. He has a concern about it being located next door to <br />his parents' home. They want the neighborhood to stay quiet. Mr. <br />Cox asked Mr. White how he would feel about MF-4 zoning next door to <br />his parents, and Mr. White stated he thought the property would be ì <br />kept up if it was MF-4 by mowing and'being a structurally sound <br />building. Mr. White stated he is glad there is no major crime in <br />the neighborhood. Dan Scales stated Cuahtemoc Hall is an example of <br />having a trade-off in a neighborhood, but it is there to preserve <br />the roots of the Hispanic community. Rev. Thomas Ates stated the <br />neighbors close to the proposed location of this project have a <br />misunderstanding of the usage of this building. There would not be <br />a significant amount of increased traffic. It "is not to be a youth <br />activity center. He thinks the present zoned usage, MF-4, would <br />create more impact in terms of traffic and disturbance than this <br />project. He stated this project would be a public entity operating <br />with a business purpose and would be maintained. Ollie Giles states <br />she is the Dunbar Neighborhood Representative, and she wants the <br />Council to consider allowing this project at this location. She <br />stated there will be no loud music, and it will be good for the <br />neighborhood. They will be there for education and heritage of the <br />children. They want their building to be allowed to be moved on <br />their land. Rose Brooks stated she wants the building to be allowed <br />to be located on this important street at this location. Pat <br />Spearman requested approval of this amendment to preserve the <br />historical value and elevating MLK with this building located there. <br />This project will provide the promise of empowerment. The owner of <br />the property wants to allow this project for the community. No one <br />else wished to speak and Mayor Morris closed the public hearing. ¡ <br />Mr. Moore moved for adoption of the Resolution and Mr. Hart seconded í <br />the motion. On roll call the following vote was recorded: <br />AYE: Moore, Hart, Guerra, Cox. <br />NAY: Morris, Plummer. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />
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