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<br />116 <br /> <br />Regular Meeting <br /> <br />March 28, 1994 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />have to pay. Mayor Morris stated businesses will payor everyone <br />will have to pay for businesses' wastes (Mr. Guerra present at this <br />time - 8:18 p.m.). Mr. Boeker stated testing for C.O.D. will <br />provide an accurate reading and will save costs for the users. Mr. <br />Hart stated he wants there to be a control mechanism with <br />ramifications if the contaminants are not controlled, but questions <br />what is the fair and equitable way to handle. Mr. Boeker stated he <br />thinks the proposed program is as fair and equitable as we can make <br />it. Mr. Guerra asked if anyone mandates this program, and Mr. <br />Boeker advised him EPA insisted we have a surcharge in our program. <br />Bill Haney stated industrial pretreatment gets contaminants out <br />before treating, and we could have user charges. Mr. Gilley stated <br />the city went through many drafts to reach the EPA requirements and <br />their approval of our program. He does not think EPA would approve <br />spreading t~e costs throughout the system. Paul Terry and Mr. <br />Boeker provided information on the definition of industrial user. <br />Mayor Morris moved to amend the Ordinance in section 3(c) under <br />definitions to delete the definition M and at the end of section 3 <br />to add the following language, "In addition to any surcharge <br />applicable to a user under the formula described in (b) above, a <br />minimum testing fee for surcharge program participants is set at <br />$24.00 per sampling port," and Mr. Moore seconded the motion, which <br />passed unanimously. Dan Anderson of Dixie Cream doughnuts stated he <br />uses 6,000 gallons in his business and 18,000 gallons in his home. <br />He thinks it would be more equitable to charge everyone in town <br />$2.00 each. He stated small businesses in homes are not paying this <br />surcharge. Dan Scales stated he lives in a low income neighborhood <br />and does not think they should pay a surcharge and suggested the <br />tourists costs on the wastewater system should be paid for with <br />sales tax. Mr. Hart stated he is concerned with the Water Rate <br />study Workshop information received which will raise fees and this <br />surcharge fee will run some businesses out of town or out of <br />business. Mr. Boeker stated test results can be mailed to <br />businesses and will be included in the policy. Mr. Hart stated he <br />would like the 25 cents per pound charge reduced to 10 or 12 cents <br />and amend to raise the amount if it is not enough. Mr. Gilley <br />stated we could put a protection in the ordinance surcharge <br />calculation not to exceed "X" dollars and give an opportunity for <br />correction in the first and second tests. This would give <br />businesses an incentive to correct the problem. Mr. Hart stated if <br />the 12 cents figure did not cover the cost, then the Council could <br />revisit the Ordinance, and this would show sensitivity to the <br />business community. Mr. Hart moved to amend the Ordinance in <br />sections 3(a), (b) and (c) to be 12 cents per pound and Mr. Plummer <br />seconded the motion. Mr. Moore stated he was uncomfortable with 12 <br />cents, because Mr. Boeker has advised 25 cents would be the cost. <br />He stated he would be more comfortable with 18 cents. On roll call <br />of the amendment, the following vote was recorded: <br /> <br />AYE: Hart, Guerra, Plummer. <br /> <br />NAY: Moore, Mooney, Morris, Cox. <br /> <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br /> <br />The motion failed. <br /> <br />Mr. Moore then moved to amend Sections 3(a), (b) and (c) to read 20 <br />cents instead of 25 cents and Mr. Cox seconded the motion, which <br />passed unanimously. staff was requested to report in six months the <br />impact. Mr. Hart stated he hopes the city will continue to work on <br />this Ordinance to make refinements with more classification on a <br />sliding scale. Mr. Gilley stated he will commit to do that, and <br />that there has been a lot of interest expressed and encourages <br />everyone to continue their input. On roll call for adoption of the <br />Ordinance, the following vote was recorded: <br /> <br />AYE: Moore, Mooney, Morris, Cox. <br /> <br />NAY: Hart, Guerra, Plummer. <br /> <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br /> <br /> <br />