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<br />89 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Regular Meeting February 28, 1994 Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />Mayor Morris introduced for consideration approval of one <br />appointment to the Master Plan citizens Advisory Committee <br />(Temporary). Mr. Guerra moved to appoint Mark Boucher, which passed <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Morris introduced for consideration a public hearing and <br />adoption of a Resolution, the caption which was read as follows: <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF 1994 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDING; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT <br />AS THE OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY TO ACT IN ALL <br />MATTERS RELATED TO THE GRANT PROGRAM AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE. <br /> <br />A presentation was made by Ron Patterson and Chris Perez Tegarding <br />the proposed projects approved by the Human Services Advisory <br />Board, a copy of which are attached to these minutes. Mayor Morris <br />opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak. <br />Ruben Garza stated Chris Perez did a tremendous job with this <br />program. No one else wished to speak, so Mayor Morris closed the <br />public hearing. Mr. Moore moved for adoption of the Resolution and <br />Mr. Plummer seconded the motion. Mayor Morris stated she felt <br />strongly the funding be used as one-time funding. Mr. Perez said <br />all were actively seeking funding for next year from other sources <br />but would be eligible to come back a second year. The Council <br />requested a total list of all funds the City has provided to social <br />services during this budget year. The Council discussed requiring <br />an audit provision, and Mr. Taylor advised that could be added to <br />the contracts. Mr. Perez advised quarterly reports are required. <br />The Council expressed interest in street paving projects being <br />included in future CDBG funding. Mr. Hart stated during the budget <br />process several big ticket projects were discussed which were worthy <br />of being addressed with CDBG funds in the future. The Council voted <br />unanimously for adoption of the Resolution. <br /> <br />Mayor Morris introduced for consideration adoption of an Ordinance <br />on emergency, the caption which was read as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, ESTABLISHING INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT FEES, LIQUID WASTE <br />HAULER REGISTRATION AND WASTE RECEIVING FEES, WASTE SURCHARGE <br />FEES, MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE FOR SURCHARGE PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS <br />AND WASTE DISCHARGE REGULATIONS ARTICLE OF CHAPTER 30, WATER <br />AND SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL, OF THE SAN MARCOS CODE OF <br />ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR BILLING PROCEDURES; PROVIDING FOR <br />SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING <br />FOR A PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; DECLARING AN <br />EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br />Mr. Hart moved for adoption of the Ordinance on emergency and Mr. <br />Moore seconded the motion. Mr. Hart then moved to amend the <br />Ordinance to be considered on three readings rather than adoption by <br />emergency and Mr. Cox seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. <br />with the amendment of three readings, it will be necessary to amend <br />the Resolution declaring the moratorium for an additional forty <br />days. This Resolution will be presented to the Council at a future <br />meeting. Mr. Boeker advised the council there were approximately <br />seventeen or eighteen significant industrial users, which were <br />basically the manufacturers. Mayor Morris moved to amend the <br />Ordinance in Section 1. (Section 30-99) to read, ". . . the <br />following fees are established for the significant industrial user <br />permits. . . .", and Mr. Moore seconded the motion, which passed <br />unanimously (Mr. Plummer not present to vote on this item). Mr. <br />Hart expressed concern with the disparities of individuals regarding <br />this program. On Page 3 in No.2 of the Ordinance, the Council <br />stated there was no mention the owner/operator would be notified <br />when they arrive for testing, and Mr. Gilley advised this is not <br />included in the Ordinance but will be procedural. Mayor Morris <br />stated the splitting of the sample should be accepted or declined in <br />writing, and Mr. Boeker advised the chain of command of the sampling <br />will take care of this. On Page 3 in No.4 regarding re-sampling, <br />