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06091997 Regular Meeting
City Clerk
01 City Council Minutes
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06091997 Regular Meeting
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4 <br />Regular Meeting June 9, 1997 Page 3 <br />FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (MEDIUM DENSITY) TO "MF-4" MULTI- <br />FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (HIGH DENSITY) WITH A MAXIMUM OF <br />277 DWELLING UNITS; INCLUDING PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS; AND <br />PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES. <br />Mr. Cox stated he was abstaining from Items 5.B. and 5.C. because he owned property on <br />Prospect Street. Mr. Cox stated he had filed a conflict of interest affidavit with the City <br />Secretary regarding these two items. Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked <br />if anyone wished to speak. Mr. Randall Morris stated he was the owner of the granting <br />zone and part owner of Terrand, Ltd. which owns the receiving zone which is the 19 acre <br />tract on Ranch Road 12. Mr. Morris stated he went before the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission in April and received a unanimous support for the plan. Mr. Morris stated the <br />transfer of development rights is a first for him and might be a first for the City as well. Mr. <br />Morris stated there are several areas in town which are better suited and are not being <br />developed even though the developer has a right to develop that particular property. Mr. <br />Morris stated he believed in order for this property never to be developed is to donate it to <br />the City and have them create a permanent open space of it. Mr. Morris stated Ranch <br />Road 12 is a difficult area to develop and the 19 acre site is a good site to develop and he <br />wants to develop that tract. Mr. Morris stated they are leaving 5.8 acres under a 12 per <br />unit MF-2 zoning which is going to be a 69 unit assistance living project and the remaining <br />2/3 of the property is zoned MF-2 with 12 units per acre and they are asking for a transfer <br />of development rights from the donation of the parkland to increase the remainder of the <br />tract from 12 to 20 per acre. Even though it is an MF-4 zoning it would be capped to 20 <br />units per acre instead of the normal 24 units per acre. Mayor Moore informed Mr. Morris <br />concerns had been voiced about the possible off-site drainage. Mayor Moore stated his <br />understanding was Mr. Morris had agreed as developer to make an investment in <br />wastewater services and also to correct the drainage. Mr. Morris stated that was correct <br />and the plat would be applied for on the 24th of June and all the drainage plans have been <br />approved by the City engineers prior to submitting this plat. Mr. Morris stated he is also <br />planning on upgrading the sewer lines outside of this property for some distance which will <br />improve the sewer capacity for the whole area. Mayor Moore stated another question <br />which was raised was if this high density development goes in on Ranch Road 12 it may <br />have an unhealthy impact on traffic and traffic is already a concern in this area, and the <br />Texas Department of Transportation is widening this section of Ranch Road 12. Mr. Morris <br />stated he did not know of any plans of the widening of Ranch Road 12 and had not been <br />approached for any type of right-of-way easement. Ms. Nova Festervan stated she lived <br />at 221 North Bishop north of this property. Ms. Festervan stated she was opposed to the <br />zoning change because of considerable fall in the elevation. Ms. Festervan stated she was <br />assured by City staff that any developer would be required to control the drainage runoff. <br />Ms. Festervan stated having seen construction projects in and around the City she was <br />not satisfied the construction project in a high density development would not mean real <br />problems for her property and serious implications for the Edwards Aquifer. Ms. Festervan <br />stated North Bishop and Ranch Road 12 are heavily traveled streets and will increase <br />significant traffic hazards. Ms. Festervan stated she failed to see how a transfer of rights <br />will impact this sensitive area. Ms. Festervan stated this will impact the Master Plan <br />without input from the citizens who live in Sector 3. Ms. Festervan stated the Council <br />needs to protect this sensitive area. Ms. Janice Snellings stated she resides at 1807 <br />Ranch Road 12 and stated the truck traffic had increased significantly. Ms. Snellings <br />stated the light backs up traffic and she cannot turn into her driveway. Ms. Snellings is <br />opposed to additional apartments. Ms. Snellings asked if the City can build 270 <br />apartments on the Aquifer recharge area. Ms. Snellings stated she does not understand <br />why they need to have the high density. Mayor Moore stated the recharge zone has <br />density which is regulated by the formal rules of the Edwards Underground Water District <br />and they do have authority and rules about density over the recharge and was not sure if <br />Mr. Morris had inquired about a permit. Ms. Peggy Michalec stated she would like the <br />traffic issue addressed and asked if the citizens matter. Mayor Moore stated Ranch Road <br />12 is a state highway and within the subdivision development ordinances almost anything <br />can open into a major highway whether it makes sense or not. Ms. Chris North, <br />neighborhood representative from Westover stated they supported the transfer of <br />development rights for parkland and asked the City Council to approve it but not in its
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