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08231999 Regular Meeting
City Clerk
01 City Council Minutes
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08231999 Regular Meeting
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194 <br />Regular Meeting August 23, 1999 Page 2 <br />who resides in the ETJ. Mr. Hernandez moved to appoint Reagan Lehmann and Mr. Mihalkanin <br />moved to appoint Jon Cradit. On roll call the following vote was recorded: <br />Lehmann: Moore, Hernandez. <br />Cradit: Moseley, Cox, Mihalkanin, Hughson, Doiron. <br />Jon Cradit will serve as the ETJ representative. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration a public hearing on the proposed FY 1999-2000 Budget and <br />direction to Staff. Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak. <br />Marla Johnson, from the Hays Caldwell Women's Center, stated her concern of the budget cost being <br />decreased for next year and does not know how the Center will be able to provide services for the <br />public at the same level as last year. Ron Jager from the Greater San Marcos Seniors Association, <br />stated his concern for the budget decrease for next year would not enable the Center to restore <br />restrooms to make them ADA compliant for public use. Sue Cohen stated a total of 13% would be cut <br />from next year's budget and would like the Council to reconsider decreasing the amount of money <br />because all the agencies depend on these funds. There were no other speakers, so Mayor Moore closed <br />the public hearing. The Council discussed moving funds instead of raising the budget, which would <br />cause a tax rate increase in San Marcos. Mr. Gilley stated that the Council would like to fund <br />additional programs, but that would make it impossible to not increase the tax rate. The Council <br />agreed to reduce $50, 000 from the Youth Services to $20, 000 and place $30, 000 in Social Services to <br />be prorated among the agencies whose funding was reduced. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration a public hearing and adoption of a Zoning Ordinance, the <br />caption which was read as follows: <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, <br />AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY BY ZONING A 97.7 ACRE <br />TRACT OF UNZONED PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 1300 BLOCK OF OLD <br />MARTINDALE ROAD AS, P' INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT; INCLUDING PROCEDURAL <br />PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES. <br />Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak. Catherine Rich inquired <br />if the Council was provided the correct survey to consider this Zoning Ordinance. There were no other <br />speakers, so Mayor Moore closed the public hearing. Mr. Hernandez moved for adoption of the <br />Zoning Ordinance and Mr. Cox seconded the motion. On roll call the following vote was recorded <br />(Mayor Moore not present to vote on this item): <br />AYE: None. <br />NAY: Moseley, Cox, Hernandez, Mihalkanin, Hughson, Doiron. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />Motion fails. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration a public hearing and adoption of a Zoning Ordinance, the <br />caption which was read as follows: <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, <br />AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY BY REZONING A 0.29 ACRE <br />TRACT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1547 POST ROAD FROM "M" SINGLE-FAMILY, <br />DUPLEX AND NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT TO "C' COMMERCIAL <br />DISTRICT; INCLUDING PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR <br />PENALTIES. <br />Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak. Miguel Cardiel stated <br />he wants the zoning changed to "C". There were no other speakers, so Mayor Moore closed the public
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