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<br />2. <br />Regular Meeting May 24, 1999 Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, <br />AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY BY REZONING LOT 25 OF <br />THE SOUTH END ADDITION LOCATED AT 508 ALABAMA STREET, FROM "M" <br />(SINGLE-FAMILY, DUPLEX AND NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT) TO "R-2" <br />(SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT [MEDIUM DENSITY]); INCLUDING <br />PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES. <br /> <br />Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak. <br />No one did, so Mayor Moore closed the public hearing. Mr. Hernandez moved <br />for adoption of the Zoning Ordinance and Mr. Moseley seconded the motion, <br />which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration a public hearing and adoption of <br />a Zoning Ordinance, the caption which was read as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, <br />AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY BY REZONING LOT D, BLOCK <br />1 OF THE B. W. BREEDING ADDITION LOCATED AT 711 MARTIN LUTHER KING <br />DRIVE, FROM "M" (SINGLE-FAMILY, DUPLEX AND NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS <br />DISTRICT) TO "R-2" (SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT [MEDIUM <br />DENSITY]); INCLUDING PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR <br />PENALTIES. <br /> <br />Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak. <br />No one did, so Mayor Moore closed the public hearing. Mr. Cox moved for <br />adoption of the Zoning Ordinance and Mr. Doiron seconded the motion, which <br />passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration a public hearing and adoption of <br />a Zoning Ordinance, the caption which was read as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, <br />AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY BY REZONING A 6.13 ACRE <br />TRACT OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 200 BLOCK OF MILL STREET, FROM "M" <br />(SINGLE-FAMILY, DUPLEX AND NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT) TO "MF-2" <br />(MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT [MEDIUM DENSITY]) AND BY REZONING AN 11.66 <br />ACRE TRACT OF PROPERTY LOCATED OFF OF THE 100 AND 200 BLOCKS OF MILL <br />STREET, FROM "c" (COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) TO "MF-4" (MULTI-FAMILY <br />DISTRICT [HIGH DENSITY]); INCLUDING PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS; ~ND <br />PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES. <br /> <br />Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak. <br />Tom Rohde as applicant requested to down zone property from Commercial to <br />MF-4 and from the old zoning designation of M to MF-2. He has tried to <br />address the concerns of the neighbors and has reduced the number of units <br />to be constructed. Andrew Gary representing the Estate of M. J. Ewing <br />stated the family supports this application. Isabel Garcia, Millview <br />Street representative, stated she was speaking in opposition to this <br />rezoning. She stated the people most affected would be the College View <br />Trailer Park. They would agree to a lower density of apartments, but the <br />area has all the apartments they can handle. They want to preserve their <br />neighborhood. Don Sharp who resides at the College View Trailer Park <br />stated he attended the Ethics Commission meeting regarding the vote of one <br />of the P&Z Commissioners. He stated the ones most affected by this <br />rezoning are long-term residents of San Marcos and will be forced to move <br />out of San Marcos. Scott Guthrie stated he has worked on the homes of the <br />elderly in this area. He performs work for them with no charge and states <br />they cannot afford to live anywhere else. Saul Gonzales, a representative <br />of the Millview Subdivision, stated they are opposed to this rezoning. He <br />asked if the petition they filed with the City Secretary had enough <br />signatures of enough land ownership to trigger the three-quarter's of the <br />Council vote to pass this rezoning. Mr. Patterson replied it did not. <br />Fred Aguirre, Jr. represented his mother and stated she has lived there <br />since 1949. His mother will be 92 in December and this will be a <br />traumatic experience for her if she is displaced from her home. Mrs. <br />