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<br />126 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, NOVEMBER 8, 1999 <br /> <br /> <br />PRESENT: Mayor Billy G. Moore <br /> <br />Mayor Pro-Tern Ed Mihalkanin <br />Council Members Jane Hughson <br />Louis Doiron, Jr. <br />* Earl Moseley, Jr. <br />Joe B. Cox, Jr. <br />Rick Hernandez <br /> <br />City Manager Larry Gilley <br />Deputy City Manager Laura Huffman <br />City Secretary Janis K. Womack <br />Director of Planning Ron Patterson <br />Director of Parks and Rec. Rodney Cobb <br />Director of Public Works George Boeker <br /> <br />Also Present: Dave Newman, Phil Neighbors, John Holtermann, Larry <br />Sowards, Ray Hernandez, Craig Corbin, Sharon Chiu, Amelia Rios, Murlin <br />Evans, Dianne Wassenich, Lynn Ahrens, Collette Duran, Bryan Anderson, Aart <br />Millecam, Arlene McNamara, Dan Praver, Joe Castillo, Melissa Millecam, <br />Carol Coughlin, Richard Cruz, Bob Barton, David Leder and others. <br /> <br />Mayor Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Mayor Moore introduced the citizen comment period. (1) David Wendel of <br />118 Holland stated the City needs to lift the river curfew. He stated the <br />glass bottom boats are still running, the restaurant is still operating <br />and Clear Springs Apartments are still inhabited. The boats should be <br />removed and the businesses cease to operate if there is a safety issue. <br />It is his opinion the dam structure was damaged as early as the seventies <br />and thinks it will fall bit by bit. (2) Dave Newman asked for a show of <br />hands how many citizens were present regarding the river curfew issue. He <br />stated this is an emotional issue and wanted to know what would happen in <br />sixty days when SWT has stated they cannot take action until 2000. He <br />stated the TNRCC report is only a letter and was not prepared by <br />structural engineers. He stated he does not feel the Council is listening <br />to the citizens. (3) Dan Praver requested the Council discontinue the <br />curfew of the dam. He stated this is an SWT problem, and not a City <br />liability. He stated there is a lack of documentation to continue a <br />curfew. (4) Wes Melcher and Kevin McGlothlin provided a written letter <br />addressed to the Mayor and Council. Mr. Melcher advised the Council the <br />Alcohol Task Force made up of City, County and SWT Police, is harrassing <br />students at parties, coming out of grocery stores and restaurants, on <br />personal property and gave several examples. He stated the officers are <br />being paid overtime to harrass young students when they could be fighting <br />crimes, such as burglaries and rapes. (5) Kevin McGlothlin advised the <br />Council of a personal incident he had with the task force after purchasing <br />beer in a local grocery store (Mr. McGlothlin is 23 years of age) and had <br />a minor with him at the time. He expressed how rude and out of line the <br />officer was when he approached him and threatened to place him in jail. <br />He has since tried to determine who is in charge of the task force so he <br />could formally file a complaint against the officer's behavior and has <br />been unable to find anyone with the City, County or SWT who can advise him <br />who is in charge of this task force or who he can formally complain to. <br />He has learned the officer who he encountered was named Benitez and he <br />works at the SWT Police Department. He has talked with a Captain at SWT <br />who referred him to Sgt. Ricky Laite. He has had no response from SWT to <br />* Mr. Moseley not present at this meeting. <br />