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<br />26. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, DECEMBER 13, 1999 <br /> <br /> <br />PRESENT: Mayor Billy G. Moore <br /> <br />Mayor Pro-Tem Ed Mihalkanin <br />Council Members Jane Hughson <br />* Louis Doiron, Jr. <br />Earl Moseley, Jr. <br />Joe B. Cox, Jr. <br />Rick Hernandez <br /> <br />City Manager Larry Gilley <br />Deputy City Manager Laura Huffman <br />City Secretary Janis K. Womack <br />City Attorney Mark Taylor <br />Director of Water George Boeker <br />Director of Library Stephanie Langenkamp <br />Director of MIS Ramona Brown <br />Director of Parks and Recreation Rodney Cobb <br /> <br />Also Present: Collette Duran, John Cooper, Marsha Cooper, Amelia Rios, <br />Francis Rangel, John McBride, Jack Weatherford, Ted Hindson, Berry James, <br />Camille Phillips, Cheryl Pantermuehl, Peggy Michalec, Mark Lambdin, <br />Charles Soechting, Carol Grimm, Murlin Evans, Larry Sowards, and others. <br /> <br />Mayor Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> <br />~yor Moore introduced the citizen comment period. (1) Roland Hesalroad <br />~tated he is the Castle Forest Neighborhood Association representative and <br />they are against the Weatherford site plan. They want only single-family <br />development and no more multi development to be built in the area. (2) <br />Don Hofmann stated he lives at 801 Bluebonnet and that he purchased a home <br />adjacent to the Weatherford property. He stated he hopes the property <br />will remain R-1 so it will be conducive to raising children. (3) Scott <br />Farley stated he has lived in Westover for twenty years and spoke in favor <br />of the Weatherford development. He stated the mother who spoke of her <br />concern over added air pollution with an asthmatic child was expressing an <br />irrational fear. He stated air pollution would not be caused by the 2000 <br />additional cars, but is a product or urban sprawl. He stated the <br />development will not cause more drainage problems, as drainage is <br />addressed in the development process. He stated this is a good <br />development and he is in favor of it. (4) John McBride stated the <br />overwhelming sentiment of the neighborhood is against the Weatherford <br />development. He stated the charrette process was flawed. He stated the <br />Master Plan puts the fate of the City in the hands of the citizens, and in <br />some of the election campaign quotes, Council Members supported <br />neighborhood protection and quality of life. (5) Carol Grimm stated she <br />Jives at 612 Dale Street and was the neighborhood representative in the <br />harrette process and supported its outcome. She opposed the variances <br />rom the outcome and stated the additional developments that have occurred <br />in the area over the past two years have impacted the traffic in the <br />surrounding neighborhoods and no longer supports the development under the <br />current conditions. (6) Amelia Harris stated she lives close to the <br />Weatherford property. She stated with all the additional apartments and <br />cars and the blind hill on Bishop, the Council should think twice about <br />allowing this development. (7) Leticia Garza-Falcon stated she was <br />present to defend the neighborhood. Progress may mean needing to slow <br />down, think about the quality of life and make San Marcos a safe place to <br />raise children. With the present traffic Ms. Garza-Falcon has difficulty <br />picking up her child from school, and thinks the City needs to redefine <br /> <br />* Mr. Doiron not present at this meeting. <br />