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71. <br />Regular Meeting January 24, 2000 Page 2 <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration approval of two appointments to <br />the Historic Preservation Commission. Mr. Cox moved to reappoint Laura <br />Payne (at large) and Mr. Mihalkanin moved to appoint Jack Gary (Downtown), <br />which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration approval of three appointments to <br />the Parks and Recreation Board. Mayor Moore moved to reappoint Jessica <br />Snider and Mr. Doiron moved to appoint J. B. Rembert, which passed <br />unanimously. The remaining appointment will be rescheduled. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration approval of one appointment to <br />the Human Development Commission. Ms. Hughson moved to appoint Jeannie <br />Lewis (ETJ representative), which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration approval of one appointment to <br />the Drainage Advisory Board. Mr. Moseley moved to appoint Gordon Sabin as <br />the Sector 3 representative, which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration approval of one appointment to <br />the San Marcos Industrial Development Corporation. There were no <br />nominations, so this appointment will be rescheduled. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration approval of one appointment to <br />the Planning and Zoning Commission to complete a vacancy of the ETJ <br />representative. Mr. Cox moved to appoint Betty Starling as the ETJ <br />representative and Mr. Hernandez moved to appoint Reagan Lehmann as the <br />ETJ representative. On roll call the following vote was recorded: <br />STARLING: Cox. <br />LEHMANN: Mihalkanin, Hughson, Doiron, Moore, Moseley, Hernandez. <br />Mr. Lehmann will complete the vacancy of the ETJ representative. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration approval of one appointment to <br />the Bond Oversight Committee to complete a vacancy. Mr. Mihalkanin <br />requested this appointment be rescheduled at the next meeting. <br />Mayor Moore introduced receiving the report of the Charter Review <br />Commission and direction to Staff. The Council reviewed the Charter <br />Review Commission's Report. Members Melvia Randle, Augustin Lucio, Ted <br />Hindson, Dan Gibson and Chair Bill DeSoto of the Commission were present. <br />The Council discussed some of the recommendations made by the Commission <br />with Chair, Bill DeSoto. It was consensus of Council for the following <br />items to be placed on the ballot from the Report: items numbered 1, 2, 3, <br />4 (removing Mayor as principal liaison with city manager and appointees, <br />and adding language regarding the Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem position), 5, 6, <br />deleting 7 regarding the number of readings required for the adoption of <br />ordinances (and adding language regarding the sale of property by three <br />ordinance readings - Sec. 3.11), 7 (regarding Sec. 3.17), 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 <br />and 13. It was also consensus of Council to add language to the ballot <br />regarding the title of "City Secretary" be changed to "City Clerk". The <br />Council stated the scope of the position was much more than the title <br />reflects, and that "City Secretary" is antiquated and felt the title of <br />"City Clerk" better describes the position. A copy of the Commission's <br />Report is attached to these minutes. <br />Mayor Moore introduced a public hearing regarding an Annexation Ordinance, <br />the caption which was read as follows: <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, <br />ANNEXING TO THE CITY A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 71.365 ACRES, MORE OR <br />LESS, LOCATED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF CLOVIS BARKER ROAD AND STATE <br />HIGHWAY 123; APPROVING A SERVICE PLAN FOR THIS TRACT; PROVIDING FOR <br />PUBLICATION AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.