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113. <br />Regular Meeting <br />February 14, 2000 <br />Page 2 <br />between the City and the citizens of San Marcos regarding City Council Agendas. He would like <br />to have the agenda posted much earlier and in more accessible ways so that the community has <br />enough time to view all items on the upcoming agenda. 13. Jon Cradit stated he would like to <br />speak at a later time regarding item 7.G. 14. George Veni stated he urged the City Council to <br />adopt the Edwards Aquifer Regulation Ordinance, but the Ordinance did need to be improved. <br />15. Winton Porterfield stated he would like to speak at a later time regarding item 7.G. 16. Lex <br />Ray stated he would like to speak at a later time regarding item 7.G. 17. George VondDerLippe <br />stated there needed to be better communication with the neighborhoods and offered three <br />suggestions; developers meet with the neighborhoods before going to Planning and Zoning, post <br />Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council agendas a week prior to the meeting (not 72 <br />hours before the meeting) and use all means of communication possible with the neighborhoods <br />about the agendas. 18. Don Garrett stated he would like to speak at a later time regarding item <br />7.G. 19. Sherwood Bishop stated his handout to the Council included technical answers to the <br />questions he has heard that have been asked regarding the Edwards Aquifer. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration two appointments to the Historic Preservation <br />Commission. Mr. Mihalkanin moved to appoint Diana Carbajal to complete a vacancy for the <br />downtown position and Mr. Hernandez moved to appoint Rodney Van Ouderkerke for the at- <br />large position, which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration one appointment to the Parks & Recreation Advisory <br />Board. Mr. Doiron moved to appoint Jane Roach, which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration two appointments to the Human Development <br />Commission. There were no nominations. This item will be brought back to the February 28, <br />2000 City Council Meeting. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration one appointment to the Drainage Advisory Board. <br />Mr. Doiron stated he would have his nomination at the February 28, 2000 City Council Meeting. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration one appointment to the San Marcos Industrial <br />Development Corporation. Mr. Taylor will need to research the terms of this board and provide <br />that information to the City Council. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration one appointment to the Bond Oversight Committee. <br />Mr. Mihalkanin moved to appoint Mike Mercado to complete a vacancy as a resident of the City <br />of San Marcos, which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration five appointments to the Central Texas Higher <br />Education Authority Board. Ms. Hughson moved to nominate Jeana Fulfer, Mayor Moore <br />moved to reappoint Rosie Morris, reappoint Leland Wilson, reappoint Dorothy Evans and <br />appoint Leslie Saucedo, and Mr. Moseley moved to appoint Margaret Lindsey. On roll call the <br />following vote was recorded: <br />JEANA FULFER: Mihalkanin, Hughson, Doiron, Moseley. <br />ROSIE MORRIS: Mihalkanin, Doiron, Moore, Cox, Hernandez. <br />LELAND WILSON: Mihalkanin, Hughson, Doiron, Moore, Moseley, Cox, Hernandez. <br />DOROTHY EVANS: Mihalkanin, Hughson, Moore, Moseley, Cox, Hernandez. <br />LESLIE SAUCEDO: Hughson, Doiron, Moore, Moseley, Cox, Hernandez. <br />MARGARET LINDSEY: Mihalkanin, Hughson, Doiron, Moore, Moseley, Cox, Hernandez. <br />Rosie Morris, Leland Wilson, and Dorothy Evans are reappointed to this board. Leslie Saucedo <br />and Margaret Lindsey are new appointments to this board.