<br />
<br />Regular Meeting
<br />
<br />September 27, 1982
<br />
<br />Page 2
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<br />Mr. Farr then moved all ten names submitted prior to the meeting for
<br />the Planning Commission be placed in nomination: Billy G. Moore,
<br />Dr. James Harrison, Aart Millecam, Mike Moore, Stanley Sissom, Mrs.
<br />Ruth Jennings, Carol Grimm, Harvey Ginsburg, Gwen Smith and Bud
<br />Walker, and Mrs. Norris seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
<br />On roll call the following vote was recorded:
<br />
<br /> BROWN: Billy Moore, Dr. Harrison, Mr. Millecam, Mike Moore,
<br /> Mrs. Grimm, Dr. Ginsburg and Dr. Smith.
<br /> FARR: Billy Moore, Dr. Harrison, Mr. Millecam, Mike Moore,
<br /> Mrs. Grimm, Dr. Ginsburg and Dr. Smith.
<br />KRECZMER: Billy Moore, Dr. Harrison, Mr. Millecam, Mrs. Grimm,
<br /> Mr. Walker, Dr. Ginsburg and Dr. Smith.
<br /> MENDEZ: Billy Moore, Dr. Harrison, Mr. Millecam, Mike Moore,
<br /> Mrs. Grimm, Dr. Ginsburg and Dr. Smith.
<br /> MOORE: Billy Moore, Dr. Harrison, Mr. Millecam, Mike Moore,
<br /> Mr. Walker, Dr. Ginsburg and Dr. Smith.
<br /> NORRIS: Billy Moore, Dr. Harrison, Mr. Millecam, Mike Moore,
<br /> Mrs. Grimm, Mr. Walker and Dr. Smith.
<br />
<br />The seven new members of the Planning Commission are Billy G. Moore,
<br />Dr. James Harrison, Aart Millecam, Mike Moore, Carol Grimm, Dr. Harvey
<br />Ginsburg and Dr. Gwen Smith. Mrs. Norris moved the Planning Commission
<br />and Zoning Commission draw by lots to determine which two members terms
<br />would expire in October, 1983, two members terms in October, 1984 and
<br />three members terms in October, 1985, and Mr. Farr seconded the motion,
<br />which passed unanimously.
<br />
<br />Mr. Brown introduced for consideration approval of appointments to the
<br />Zoning Commission. Mrs. Norris moved all eight names submitted prior
<br />to the meeting be placed in nomination: Bill Nicola, Joel Barnard,
<br />Richard Hernandez, Frank Contreras, Joyce Glore, Jack Lindstrom,
<br />James M. Pape and Carlos Tijerina, and Mr. Farr seconded the motion,
<br />which passed unanimously. On roll call Mr. Kreczmer voted for seven
<br />appointments. At this point one of the nominees, James M. Pape,
<br />asked to address the Council. He withdrew his name from consideration
<br />stating he was out of town and would miss some of the meeting and thought
<br />it would be better just to withdraw. Mr. Kreczmer then moved the other
<br />seven names in nomination be appointed by acclamation and Mrs. Mendez
<br />seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The seven new members
<br />of the Zoning Commission are Bill Nicola, Joel Barnard, Richard Hernan-
<br />dez, Frank Contreras, Joyce Glore, Jack Lindstrom and Carlos Tijerina.
<br />
<br />Mr. Brown introduced for consideration appointments to the Cemetery
<br />Commission. The names submitted prior to the meeting are Jose Rodri-
<br />guez, Mrs. Pat (Joe) Nicola, Henry C. Kyle, Frank Taylor and Ada
<br />Burke. Mr. Kreczmer moved the Cemetery Commission draw by lots at
<br />their first meeting held to determine which two members terms would
<br />expire in June, 1983 and three members terms in June, 1984, and Mrs.
<br />Norris seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Mrs. Norris
<br />moved to appoint the five new members named above to the Cemetery
<br />Commission and Mrs. Mendez seconded the motion, which passed unani-
<br />mously.
<br />
<br />Mr. Brown introduced for consideration the appointment of one mem-
<br />ber to the Urban Renewal Commission. Mrs. Mendez moved to appoint
<br />Curtis L. Jenkins and Mr. Kreczmer seconded the motion, which passed
<br />unanimously.
<br />
<br />Mr. Brown introduced for consideration approval of the reappointment
<br />of Marcos Hernandez as the Municipal Court Judge. Mrs. Norris moved
<br />to approve Marcos Hernandez and Mr. Moore seconded the motion, which
<br />passed unanimously.
<br />
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