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222. <br /> <br /> Central Texas Clean Cities <br />City of Austin, Dept. of Transportation, Planning & Sustainability <br />1011 San ]acinto, 2,a. Floor, Austin TX 78701 <br />512-974-3550, email: stacy, <br /> <br />Clean Cities is a locally based, voluntary effort, coordinated and sponsored by the United States <br />Department of Energy, to expand the use of alternatives to gasoline and diesel fuel. <br /> <br /> In other words, Clean Cities is a program designed to assist the United States to use it's own <br /> renewable fuels, and cut dependence on foreign oil. The Department of Energy is committed to <br /> energy use in America's transportation sector that is more efficient, less dependent on foreign <br />--~urces, less environmentally disruptive, sustainable and safe. By encouraging alternative fuel and <br /> ·ehicle use, the Clean Cities program helps enhance energy security and environmental quality at <br /> Voth the national and local levels. <br /> <br />There are 82 Clean Cities coalitions in the US. In Texas there are six (6) coalitions including the <br />Central Texas Coalition of Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis and Williamson Counties. You may <br />recognize these five counties of the Austin Metropolitan Statistical Area as being designated "near <br />non-attainment" for air quality. As a community leader, a major business, an influential entity, and <br />because of the Central Texas emphasis, you are an important part of the success we experience as a <br />region. <br /> <br />The Central Texas coalition is currently made up of over 30 motivated companies, agencies and <br />municipalities working together to promote alternative fuels (AF) and vehicles (AFV), developing <br />fueling infrastructure to make alternative fuels convenient, and providing information to as many <br />fleet owners and managers as possible. This coalition seeks available rebate and grant opportunities <br />for stakeholders, and the Clean Cities office is a sort of "clearing house" for information and provides <br />networking opportunities. <br /> <br /> The Central Texas Clean City coalition is expanding the use of alternatives to gasoline and diesel. We <br />-~gve assisted in the development of the voluntary Clean Air Task Force 03 Flex plan for emissions <br /> i iductions and actively participated in the forming of the Senate Bill 5 diesel incentive plan. We are <br /> ;celerating the deployment of alternative fuel vehicles into local fleets like yours, and laying the <br /> groundwork for developing the infrastructure to sustain these fleets throughout our area. <br /> <br /> <br />