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<br />25 <br /> <br />regular meeting, may 12, ~975 <br /> <br />page two <br /> <br />The Mayor opened a ~tiblic Hearing to consider the naming of a portion of Loop 82, <br />located between I.H. 35 and the entrance to Aquarena Springs, "Aquarena Springs <br />Drive". Mr. Gene Phillips was present to represent Aquarena Springs in making <br />the request. Dr. Eugene Payne stated the University, property owner along the <br />portion of Loop 82 in question, and Mr. Bill Toler of Holiday Inn, stated they <br />had no objection to the name. No objections were made verbally or in writing. <br />The Mayor closed the hearing and read the caption of an Ordinance as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, <br />NAMING THE PORTION OF LOOP 82 LOCATED IN THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS <br />BETWEEN I.H. 35 AND THE ENTRANCE TO AQUARENA SPRINGS "AQUARENA SPRINGS <br />DRIVE" . <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. Hansen moved the Ordinance be approved on first reading. Mr. Arredondo seconded <br />the motion, which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />The Mayor opened a Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance in regulation of heating <br />and air conditioning installation. Albert Armstead, representing the Inspection <br />Department of the City of San Marcos, informed the Council that the Ordinance was <br />necessary in order to establish comparable standards with cities in the area with <br />which the San Marcos Inspection Department has reciprocal agreements. Mr. Arredondo <br />stated his concern that the membershlil1Jl of:tlie, Examining Board did not include a <br />layperson. Questioned by Mr. Pete Rodriguez, -Hr. Armstead stated that only central <br />units were covered by the ordinance. Mr. Dibrell,mo1ledLtheccOrd!inance be tabled and <br />discussed at the next workshop. Mr. Ainedondo seconded the motion, which passed <br />unanimously. Mr. Breihan requested all licensed air conditioning contractors be <br />notified of the workshop session. <br /> <br />The Mayor opened a Public Hearing to consider an Ordin"nce,regulating itinerant <br />vendors, peddlers, and solicitors. The City Attorney summarized the changes made <br />in the ordinance since it was last discussed in workshop session and outlined other <br />changes the Council might find desirable, among them being the removal of the <br />distinction between persons living within the city limits and persons living out of <br />the citv. Mayor Craddock stated that she felt the ordinance should be deferred to <br />a workShOp session. .Mr,:'Flores said this his objection to the present draft was <br />the potential burden placed on political campaigns. The Reverend Don Preece came I <br />before the~council to state that the 10 day waiting period presented a hardship in <br />certain instances. The Mayor closed the hearing. Mr. Breihan moved the ordinancec' <br />be placed on a workshop session for further discussion. Mr. Hansen seconded the, <br />motion, which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Craddock read the caption of an Ordinance as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, ZONING FOR TRAFFIC AND RATE OF <br />SPEED THEREIN, ON STATE HIGHWAY 123 IN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />MARCOS; DEFINING WHAT MAY BE A SUFFICIENT COMPLAINT IN PROSECUTIONS HEREUNDER; <br />WITH A SAVING CLAUSE REPEALING CONFLICTING LAWS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br /> <br />Mr. Sutton moved the Ordinance be approved as an emergency. Mr. Hansen seconded <br />the motion. Mr. Breihan questioned the 45mph zone located between the f.~ph Zone <br />and the school zone for traffic traveling toward Seguin. The Director. 0;( P..,,,' <br />Works reported that the pattern ~as based on Texas Highway Department and Public <br />Safety standards. Mr. Breihan requested the administration prepare a formal <br />inquiry to the Texas Highwav Department regarding the matter. Mr. Sutton stated <br />he felt the School District should petition the City to contact the Texas Highway <br />Department if they felt the Zones were improperly established. On roll call, the <br />motion to approve the Ordinance on emergency basis was unanimously ,approved. <br /> <br />The Mayor introduced for consideration a Follow-Up Order authorizing the disburse- <br />ment of Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $20,000 and eash in the <br />amount of $4,445.80 for claims incurred by Bohlmann, Incorporated, in the construc- <br />tion of the new city hall. Mr. Sutton moved approval of the Order as an emergency. <br />Mr. Flores seconded the motion. Mr. Breihan inquired about the air conditioning <br />units which had been damaged while in storage. Mr. Baugh reported that money had <br />been withheld for repair or replacement, and that the architect had assured that <br />the problem would be suitably rectified. On roll call, the motion to approve the <br />Order as an emergency was unanimously. <br /> <br />I <br />