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<br />q~ <br /> <br />regular meeting, jUly 13, 1964, page two <br /> <br />He referred to a Council meeting in June to which interested <br />persons were invited for discussion of the City's five-year <br />plan far sewer extension. Dr. Martin said he had not been <br />present. The map used at that meeting was brought, and Dr. Martin <br />shown the eight areas scheduled for sewer extension. The Mayor <br />said if a site in one of those areas were chosen, it would cost <br />less to extend the lines for water and sewer service. It was <br />brought out that the area for top priority had not been selected <br />by the City Manager. Alderman Whittenberg commented that it was <br />not a matter of the City's not wanting to cooperate, but of not <br />having excess funds. Dr. Martin pointed out that the sewer lines <br />would not be needed until the Summer of 1965. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />CharlesW. Jeffries came before the Council to enquire when the resi- <br />dents on Ridgeway Drive could expect the street to be paved. He point- <br />ed out that ,property owners had been promised the street would be paved <br />in 1963, and had been assured in April, 1964, that Ridgeway was on the <br />paving schedule. The City Manager said that Ridgeway would be paved <br />prior to Sept. 1, 1964. <br /> <br />H.Y. Price, jr., representing H.Y. Price Enterprises, Inc., app~ared <br />before the Council to sign an Agreement with the City on a-p1'pposed.' <br />13-acre subdivision, Blanco Gardens. Certain provisions of the Agree- <br />_ment, prepared accOrdt~g to the San Marcos Subdivision Ordinance, were <br />discussed, In reference to Article V I "It is estimated that the cost <br />of sewer and water lines will be Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars <br />($12,500.00)", the Mayor asked Mr. Price if he would be willing to con- <br />tract with the City to lay the water and sewer lines for $12,500. Mr. <br />Price said they already had contractors to do the work, but would con- <br />sider the proposition. The Mayor made reference to Article IIII "The <br />City agrees that it will install all sewer house-services.. .at a <br />charge of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per connection, and will install <br />all water house-services... at a charge of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) <br />per connection...". He stated that. the price on water and sewer taps <br />was going up right away. He asked if Mr. Price would be willing to pay <br />the increased price when it went into effect. John Stokes, recognized <br />from the floor, stated he had been a member of the committee that helped <br />draft the City's Subdivision Ordinance, and he had always considered that <br />it was passed for the City's advantage. He posed the questionl "Why <br />would the City want to take a job (contract to lay the subdivision water <br />and sewer lines) when they can't do their own work?" Alderman Ruiz com- <br />mented "I can't see the City doing this job - it would be competing ?gain- <br />stprivate enterprise". Alderman Whittenberg stated he was in faVOr of <br />signing the Agreement, eVen though it meant extra bookkeeping. The City <br />Manager made two recommendations, reference Article IIII first, that all <br />water a,nd sewer taps be made before paving and. a.t the. rate in effect <br />when the connection is made; second, that monthl~ estimates be checked, <br />and the agreement be made subject to those recommendations. Mr. Price <br />said he had not heard that the price was to be raised on taps, "but nat- <br />urally, if you change the price, we'll pay it to. Alderman Whittenberg <br />moved that the Agreement be approved. Alderman Ruiz seconded the motion <br />and on roll call, the following vote was recorded I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />AYEl Pool, Ruiz, SerUr, Whittenberg <br />NAY I None <br /> <br />The Mayor declared the motion carried and asked the Aldermenl <br />"Is it the Council's pleasure that the taps be paid at the going rate?" <br />Alderman SeX'uX' said a rider shOUld be put in the cont:ract to provide fOr <br />a change of price, if that were the intention. Mr. Price said it was <br />planned to have all the taps in within six weeks, and he felt they I <br />should be connected at the present price, as stated in the Agreement. <br />Alderman Pool said he was not in favor of a rider to change the price. <br />After fUrther discussion, the Agreement, attached herewith as a part of <br />the Minutes, was signed as presented, by the Mayor and H.Y. Price, jr. <br />and attested by the Secretary. <br /> <br />Don Uzzell was recognized from the flOor. He reported that the "Reserved" <br />signs were still on the street in front of the Administration Building of <br />San Marcos Academy, and that the "no parking" ordinance on Academy street <br />was still not being enfOrced. The Mayor reminded Mr. Uzzell that the <br /> <br />CQ'" <br />t)1'I (') <br />