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<br />\., fa <br /> <br />spec i a I meet i ng, august 24, 1964, page two <br /> <br />the present matter before the City Council; second to <br />express his appreciation for the good job Judge Su~ton <br />is doing. He said that he understood that a Corporation <br />Judge could be removed from office only for cause; that <br />the City Council does not 'judge', Col. Hill commented <br />on how few persons ever take time to thank the City Man- <br />agerj ,yet heis often subjected to abuse. He said that <br />San Marcos has the most efficient city government he has <br />ever seen. He called to mind that Charles I of England <br />in 1629, had acted through his Provost and Sheriff and' <br />t1U h.' ' t <br />More t an 300 years later, in San Marcos, we have the <br />same problem." Col. Hill praised the Chief of Police and <br />all who, in the course of performing their function, <br />protect the 14,000 people of San Marcos "from the terrors <br />of the night", He sai~: " In this world the Morales the <br />Veidts, the Buckners are al,l entitled to their day i~ <br />court, My suggestion to you gentlemen is that this matter <br />be tabled as not proper to come before the Council." <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. Morales was recognized from the floor. He said he <br />would like to clear up a couple of statements made by <br />Judge Sutton that concerned him personally, He made a <br />number of complaints ~bout treatment accorded him in' <br />Corporation Court; and criticized the manner in which <br />the C~urt is handled, One charge was that latin-Americans <br />were discriminated against in the matter of fines. This <br />caused a man in the audience to callout: "That's a damned <br />I ie!" The Mayor called for order, saying that others would <br />be given an opportunity to speak when Mr. Morales finished. <br />Mr. Taylor warned Mr. Morales that he must, confine his re- <br />marks to the stipulated topics for which the meeting was <br />called. Mr. Morales said his two complaints were that the <br />docket books were closed to him, and that he had been de- <br />tained in City Hall and threatened. William Veidt was re- <br />cognized from the floor. He asked Mr. Morales what news- <br />paper he represented, since he was not a certifie,d member <br />of the Press Association. Upon being pressed a second time <br />for an answer, Mr. Mora les said: "E I 'Reporteroff. Garl and <br />Stokes was recogn i zed from the ,f I oor. He sa i d that as a <br />former Counci Iman, he understood the mariy problems confront- <br />ing them, but he did not see how the Council could lend it=- <br />self as a public forum for a man who at this time has a suit <br />against the City: "This man is a known liar - the nickname <br />given him by his own people is 'Mentira' - and he should <br />not be a I lowed to cast i gate the City Counc i I ." The Mayor <br />replied that every complaint received was given the Council's <br />attention. He said the Counci I had studied Mr,. Morales' <br />letter carefully,and after due considerat,j;on, members were <br />agreed on the answers. In reference to the first complaint, <br />the Mayor stated that the City Counc i lis not a court to hand <br />down judgements, but a policy-making body. 'He advised Mr. <br />Morales that the place to take his, complaint was to Mrs. Hazel <br />Duncan, District Clerk, where he could appeal to the District <br />Court for a writ of mandamus to be given aCcess to the docket <br />books. I n the second instance, the Mayor sa i d if Mr. Mora I es <br />felt he had been mistreated, again, his complaint should <br />go to a court of law: "If you feel you have been abused by <br />Judge Sutton, you may file a complaint against him in County <br />Court". Alderman Ruiz was recognized by the Mayor. He said <br />that as far as the letter was concerhed, he felt the Mayor <br />had given adequate answers, but he would like to put two quest- <br />ions to Mr. Morales: "In the Aug. 21, 1964 issue of -EI Re- <br />portero', you state that the letteryou published was sent to <br />members of the Council. That is not true", Mr. Morales ans- <br /> <br />wered that he took it for granted that Mr. Ruiz would get a <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Tg(; <br />