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03251968 Regular Meeting
City Clerk
01 City Council Minutes
1960 s
03251968 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
8/8/2008 9:34:51 AM
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6/23/2008 11:09:31 AM
City Clerk
City Clerk - Document
City Clerk - Type
Regular Meeting
Volume Book
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<br />C. , <br /> <br />regu far meet i ng, march 25, 1968 <br /> <br />page two <br /> <br />Garland Stokes was recognized by the Mayor. Mr. Stokes <br />said there were erroneous statements being circulated <br />on the streets about the contract wh i ch the Counc i I <br />authorized the Mayor to sisn, March 21, with Hughson <br />He i ghts, I nc. and Gonza I es C~unty Sav i ngs & LO'an Co. <br />for extension of water ands sewer I ines to Hughson Heights. <br />He asked that the Council allow him time on the Agenda later <br />for him to read the contract and answer any questions which <br />those present cared to ask. The Mayor agreed. <br /> <br />Herbert Yarbrough, Chairman of the San Marcos Lions Club <br />Little League Committee, came before the Council to re- <br />quest financial assistance in bringing the park bal Ifields <br />up to standard. Copies of the itemized improvements, cost <br />estimates and e plat of the field had been previously dis- <br />tributed to the Counci I. Mr. Yarbrough made a thorough <br />presentation. The Counci I wpS agreed on the worthiness <br />of the project; discussion centered on the fect that the <br />estimeted cost, $9,415~75, was not in the 1968 Budget. <br />The Mayor asked the City Manager to work with Mr. Yar- <br />brough to see what help the City could give the Lions Club. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Gene Rourke, the City's Fiscal Agent, came before the Coun- <br />ci I to express his appreciation for the opportunity of work- <br />ing with them the past ,two years. He enumerated some of the <br />things accompSl ished, praising the Counci I for having the <br />courage and fortitude to ,take action that was unpopular, in <br />order to lead the Ci~yto a better financial position. He <br />cited Moody's rating of the City of San Marcos a "BAA" as <br />an achisvement. Mr. Rourke concluded by saying~ "San Marcos <br />has a brJgbi future. With growth come problems. I would <br />like to put in a good word for your City Manager and the <br />one before him, who have raised the financial standing of <br />San Marcos." <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Travis Roberts, representing the Meeks-Nelson Fami Iy, <br />call1l6 before the Counci I with a new proposal in connect- <br />ion with development of Fal:'m Lot 25, better known as <br />"The Nelson River Property". He said that after his <br />I ast appearance before the Counc ii, . his c I i ents had rea 1- <br />ized that it would be unwise for the City to al low the <br />continuity of the park land along the San Marcos River <br />to be broken by granti ng a bu i I ding perm i t for an apar~- <br />ment complex on the river property. He said his cl ients <br />were now prepared to, offer the City a strip 150 feet wide <br />a long the riverfront of Farm Lot 25, w'h i ch he est i mated to <br />be 140,000 sq. ft., or about 2 acres. In return, they <br />would expect a bui Iding permit for the apartment complex <br />on the rema in i ng 7! acres of the tract. I nc I uded in the <br />offer was that the property-owners "would be responsible <br />for Purgatory". M~. Roberts estimated the value of the <br />land offered the City to be $185,325.66. <br />Rodgers ,Storey was recognized by the Mayor. He said he <br />owned property on the ~ast bank of the River, directly <br />across from Farm L;t 25. He asked clarification on where <br />the 150 feet would be measured from, stating that in 1950, <br />Mr. Nelson claimed he owned the island in the River at that <br />point. Mr. Ro~erts said:"Hasn't it been ruled that Mr. Nelson <br />doesn't own the island? At this point, I don't think we own <br />it." Mr. Damon moved that the Counci I authorize the City <br />Manager to have Mr. Roberts' plat and deed records submitted <br />to the Urban Renewal Agency for stwdy and a recommendation <br />to the Counci I. Mr. Korff seconded the motion and on rol I <br />ca II the fo I low i ng vote was recorded: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />AYE: <br />NAY: <br /> <br />Damon, Flores, Korff, Pool, Serur, Whittenberg <br />None <br />
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