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<br />~ <br /> <br />e:ir . <br /> <br />35 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />When the Youth Service R1reau (YSB) was developed, there was no other <br />youth oriented agency of its type in the cmmty, and there is still no comparable <br />agency, offer:lng these.sornces', in this area. Most of the services we offer <br />wero beglm by us as a result of conferr:lng with local members of the school, Dep- <br />artment of llumlm Resources, the police department, and juvenile probation, and <br />then prioritizing the needs we heard from these sources. Some of the most <br />importent and direct services we offer are drug counseling, anti-truancy, anti- <br />dropout counseling, pregnancy counseling, family counseling in the form of <br />Parent Effectiveness Training, (PEr), as well as' individual counseling with <br />parents when we feel it is directly creating problems with our clients. We have <br />organized a drug pamphlet library where clients can learn the. the serious ,effects <br />which many harmful drugs can have on them. We provide indepth counseling in the <br />schools both in groups and individually, done in close coordination with school <br />counselors and teachers, in our efforts to deter' truancy and dropouts. We-are <br />currently attempting to get mre parents involved in our program as volunteers, <br />both to add IIl31lpower and more importently to get them more involved with their <br />children. We intend to coordinate mre (PEr) workshops with this. We have a <br />series of after school rap sessions scheduled for this spring, during which we <br />will have speakers deliver talks on key areas, 1. e. family planning, V. D., military I <br />job core, ect, followed by a discussion with the kids. All these services, along <br />with our basic program compose a total service not offered by any other agency and I <br />. one which would seem to be a necessary part of ever:y communities' obligation to <br />the people living in the area. The department of human resources has no staff for <br />these services, and even. utilizes our. services extensively; the school S:irstem <br />acknowledges the desperate need for our services, but has been unable to maintain <br />their own program, juvenile probation has only one man whose priorities DDJSt go <br />, to more serious delinquent offenders, yet all these agencies feel they wHl suffer <br />measurably if we close. <br />Our agency was funded primarily as a diversionary project, that was Illeant <br />to identify adolescents between ten and seventeen, who were showing signs of hav- <br />ing difficulty n:anaging their lives, and then to offer them the help and support <br />they needed in order to stabilize and to avoid the possibility of coming into <br />contact with the Juvenile Justice System (JJS), and also to accept as clients <br />some referrals who had come into contact with (JJS) already for ver:y minor probl <br />The (YSB) uses a team model approach, which means we compose a team of program <br />componets, and during intake we decide how a cooperative effort should 1le arrang <br />We have three major program phases, counseling, both group and individwu., rec- <br />reational, which is coordinated with ,the counseling, and the volunteer phase wh1 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />/. <br />