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139 <br />regular meeting, january 13, 1975 page two <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF THAT ORDINANCE WHICH REGULATES <br />AND RESTRICTS THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND <br />LAND, DATED MAY 23, 1966 (VOL. 32) BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF LOT 54 <br />OF THE J.M. STONE ADDITION, LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF JOHNSON AND <br />PERKINS STREETS, FROM "D" (MULTIFAMILY) TO "C" (COMMERCIAL). <br />Mr. Sutton moved the Ordinance not be approved. Mr. Breihan seconded the <br />motion, which passed with six votes in favor and Mr. Hansen in abstention. <br />The Mayor declared the motion passed and the Ordinance not approved. <br />The Mayor opened a Public Hearing to consider a request for a change in <br />zoning of Lot 8, Block 14 of the Lindsey and Harvey Addition, from "D" to <br />"M". Mary K. Carter Corpier, applicant, was not present. There were no <br />objections presented. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation <br />for denial was noted. The Mayor closed the hearing and read the caption of <br />an ordinance as follows: <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF THAT ORDINANCE WHICH REGULATES <br />AND RESTRICTS THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND <br />LAND, DATED MAY 23, 1966 (VOL. 32) BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF LOT 8, <br />BLOCK 14 OF THE LINDSEY AND HARVEY ADDITION, LOCATED AT 427 AND 431 <br />LINDSEY STREET, FROM "D" (MULTIFAMILY) TO "M" (MIXED). <br />Mr. Flores moved the Ordinance not be approved. Mr. Sutton seconded the <br />motion, which passed unanimously. The Mayor declared the motion passed and <br />the Ordinance not approved. <br />The Mayor opened a Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance amending the General <br />Zoning Ordinance by establishing parking requirements for multifamily dwellings. <br />Councilman Breihan recommended the Council omit the phrase "or Unit" from the <br />schedule of parking spaces required and revise the schedule to require 1 1/2 <br />spaces for an efficiency apartment, 2 spaces for a one bedroom apartment, <br />3 spaces for a two bedroom apartment, and one space for each additional bedroom. <br />Councilmen discussed various other aspects of the Ordinance. The Mayor <br />closed the hearing and read the caption of the Ordinance as follows: <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 16 OF <br />APPENDIX A OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS BY <br />DELETING SECTION 16(3) AND SUBSTITUTING IN ITS PLACE A NEW SUBSECTION <br />(3) TO SECTION 16 SO AS TO ESTABLISH MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS <br />AND STANDARDS FOR ALL MULTIFAMILY DISTRICTS AND STRUCTURES AND DECLARING <br />AN EMERGENCY. <br />Mr. Breihan moved the Ordinance be tabled and placed on the next workshop <br />agenda for further discussion. Mr. Flores seconded the motion. On roll call, <br />the following vote was recorded: <br />AYE: Breihan, Dibrell, Craddock, Flores, Hansen, Sutton <br />NAY: Cunningham. <br />The Mayor introduced consideration of a request for a temporary mobile home <br />permit for a mobile home to be located on Lots 450 and 451, Block 21 of the <br />Westover Addition, Marleton Street. Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Cowan, applicants, were <br />present to request the permit. It was noted that one duly sworn petition had <br />been presented in objection to the issuance of the permit. Councilmen discussed <br />the provision of the General Zoning Ordinance which requires mandatory denial <br />in the presence of such a petition. Mr. Breihan moved the request be tabled. <br />Mr. Cunningham seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. <br />Mr. Sutton moved approval of a renewal of a temporary permit for a mobile home <br />located on Lot 2, Block 3 of the Carol and Hofheinz Addition, 1509 Belvin <br />Street, Mrs. Leonardo Pacheco, applicant. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion, which <br />passed unanimously. <br />Mr. Sutton moved approval of a renewal of a temporary permit for a mobile home <br />located in the J.M. Veramendi League Number Two, 1414 Belvin Street, <br />Mrs. Edith Keen, applicant. Mr. Cunningham seconded the motion, which passed <br />unanimously.