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<br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />1972 - 27 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE VACATING, ABANDONING, DISCONTINUING <br />AND CLOSING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ACADEMY, JAMES, <br />NORTH AND ALAMO STREETS IN SAN MARCOS, TEXAS; <br />RELI NQU I SH I NG TO THE SA N MARCOS BAPT I ST ACADEMY <br />ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE CITY OF <br />SA NMA RCOS IN AND TO SAID STREET PORTIONS WITH <br />CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS; DIRECTING THt MAYOR TO <br />EXECUTE AND DELI VER TO SA ID SAN MARCOS BAPTIST <br />ACADEMY A QUITCLAIM DEED TO SUCH STREET PORTIONS; <br />AND,DEClARINGAN EMERGENCY, <br /> <br />WHEREAS; the CIty of San Marcos, Texas, has requested of the <br />San Marcos Bapt i stAcademy, an i nst i tut i on- organ i zed and ex i st i ng <br />under the laws of the State of Texas, with its domicile located <br />within the boundaries of the City of San Marcos, that said <br />institution convey to the City of San Marcos certain real property <br />adjoining Comanche, Cornel I, Academy and Holland Streets withih <br />said municipal ity; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, such real property will be util ized by the City of <br />San Marcos for the construction of portions of the extens~on of <br />Sessom Drive and Comanche Street, according to the plans for <br />such extension as on file in the office of the C~ty Engineer <br />of the City of San Marcos; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, as consideration for the conveyance of said real property, <br />the San Marcos B'apt i st Academy has requested the c I os i ng, vilCat i ng <br />and abandonment of the hereinafter described portions of Alamo, <br />Academy, James and North Streets, al I within the boundaries of <br />the CIty of San Marcos, and the rei inquishment of any right, title <br />or interest ~he City of San Ma~cos may have in and to said street <br />portions to the San Marcos Baptist Academy, except for the right <br />of entry and repair of all water or sewer I ines therein or <br />thereunder; , <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS: <br /> <br />1. That the following described portions of Alamo, Academy, <br />James and North Streets shall be abandoned, vacated, discontinued <br />and closed as publ ic streets of the City of San Marcos, Texas, <br />upon rlompletion of the construction of s~idextensioh of Sessom <br />Drive and Comanche Street, ~nd the acceptance thereof by the <br />City of San Marcos. <br /> <br />(a) Beginning at a I ine which is a southwesterly projection <br />of the southwest right-of-way line of Cornell Street, said pro- <br />jectionbeginning at the weR~ corner of Lot 10f the McNaughton <br />Addition, plat of record in Volume 55, page 593, Hays County Deed <br />Records, and ending on the southwest line of Academy Street; Thence, <br />in a southeasterly dire'ction, with and including the width of the <br />entire Academy Street right-of-way, approximately 1130 feet to <br />a I ine between Lots 2 and 3 of said J.R. Pentuff Second Addition, <br />plat of record in Volume 58, page 394, Hays County Deed Records, <br />said projection beginning at the west corner of said Lot 3, and <br />ending on the said southwest I ine of Academy Street,' <br />(b) Beginning at a I ine which is an ~~tension of the north- <br />east I ine of Academy Street, which I ine begins at the s6uth <br />corner of the J.R, Pentuff First Addition, plat of record in <br />Volume 58, page 395, Hays County Deed Records, and crosses James <br />Street to a westerly corner of a tract of land owned bY the <br />San Marcos Baptist Academy; Thence, in a northeasterly direction, <br />with and including the width of the entire right-of-way of James <br />Street, approximately 352 feet to the end of James Street where it <br />joins North Street. <br />(c) Beginning at a I ine which is a northeasterly projection <br />of the southeast I ine of James Street, which I ine be~ins at a <br />