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BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS: <br />SECTION 1. The Future Land Use Map of the San Marcos Horizons City Master Plan <br />is revised to change the future land use designations for the following tract of land from "C" <br />Commercial to "HDR" High Density Residential: <br />TRACT A: <br />Street address: 2112 North IH -35 <br />Size 23.99 acres, more or less <br />Legal Description: 23.99 acres, more or less, out of the J.M. Veramendi Survey No. 2, <br />Abstract No. 17 as described in Exhibit "A -1" <br />SECTION 2. The Official Zoning Map of the City, as described in Section of the <br />City Land Development Code, is amended to rezone the following tracts of land as follows: <br />TRACT A: <br />Chance: From "FD" Future Development District to "MF -18" Multiple- Family • <br />Residential District <br />Street address: 2112 North IH -35 <br />Size 23.99 acres, more or less <br />Legal Description: 23.99 acres, more or less, out of the J.M. Veramendi Survey No. 2, <br />Abstract No. 17 as described in Exhibit "A -1" <br />TRACT B: <br />Chance: From "FD" Future Development District to "GC" General Commercial <br />District <br />Street address: Northeast corner of North IH -35 and River Ridge Parkway <br />Size 2.04 acres, more or less <br />Legal Description: 2.04 acres, more or less, out of the J.M. Veramendi Survey No. 2, <br />Abstract No. 17 as described in Exhibit "A -2" <br />SECTION 3. This Ordinance will become effective upon adoption if not reconsidered at <br />the next regular City Council meeting. • <br />