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<br />rc:fle,cted or exemplified, which arc identified vvith historic personages VI vvith important evGltts in local, <br />state or national history, or which embod, the distinguishing characteristics of an arehitectmalspeeimen, <br />inhcrentl, valuable for a reprcsentation of a period, st,le, or method of eonstruction, or a notable, vvork <br />of constmctioll 01 a notable vvork of a ma5tcr designGr 01 architect whose individual genius influenced <br />his age. <br /> <br />1nel.501l ill chal ge mcam; the per son possessed of the fr e(hold of an impr 0 vem(nt or impr 0 vement <br />pared or a lessCI estate thelGin, a mortgagee or vendee in possession, assignee of rents, receiver, <br />executor, trustee, lessee, agent or an, othcr person direct!, or indirect!, in control of an imprOvement <br />or imprOvement parcel. <br /> <br />Significant trees are those which measure 24 caliper inches 4 feet above the ground. or those which <br />are identified with historic personages or important events in local. state or national history. <br /> <br />Sec. 42.002. Purpose <br /> <br />The purpose of this chapter is to promote the educational, cultural and economic welfare of the <br />public of the city by preserving and protecting historic structures, streets and neighborhoods which serve <br />as visible reminders of the history and cultural heritage of the city, the state and the United States. <br />Furthermore, it is the purpose of this chapter to strengthen the economy of the city by stabilizing and <br />improving property values in historic areas and to encourage new buildings and developments that will <br />be harmonious with the existing historic buildings and squares. <br /> <br />Sec. 42.003. Furnishing information <br /> <br />It is unlawful for any person who files with the historic preservation commission any application <br />or request for a certificate of appropriateness to refuse to furnish, upon demand request by the <br />commission, any information relating to the application or request or to make any false statement in the <br />application or request or to furnish false information to the commission. <br /> <br />Secs. 42.004 - 42.025. Reserved. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 2. ADMINISTRATION <br /> <br />DIVISION 1. GENERALLY <br /> <br />Secs. 42.026 - 42.050. Reserved <br /> <br />DIVISION 2. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br /> <br />Sec. 42.051. Established; appointment; qualification of members. <br /> <br />An historic preservation commission is established. The commission shall consist of seven <br />persons, appointed by the city council from the following sources: <br /> <br />(1) One member shall be a resident of the city or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, or shall be <br />employed in the city or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, and shall be from the architecture or <br />design field of expertise. <br /> <br />(2) Three members shall be citizens of the city who have demonstrated an interest in the history <br />of the city. <br /> <br />(3) One member shall be a property owner or resident from the San Antonio Street historic <br />district. <br /> <br />(4) One member shall be a property owner or resident from the Belvin Street historic district. <br /> <br />(5) One member shall be a property owner or business owner within the Downtown historic <br />district. <br /> <br />2 <br />