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<br />5 <br /> <br />regular meeting <br /> <br />january 14, 1980 <br /> <br />page two <br /> <br />the location of the business office made it difficult to do so. <br />Mr. Breihan requested that Cable TV representatives study the <br />matter to find some way to help people pay their bills at local <br />businesses more conveniently located to their neighborhoods. <br />Following the public hearing, the City Secretary read the Ordinance <br />in its entirety, with the caption as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDING <br />ORDINANCE 1972-7, ADOPTED MARCH 13, 1972, <br />WHICH ESTABLISHED AND REGULATED VARIOUS <br />FEES AND CHARGES FOR CABLE TELEVISION <br />SERVICE WITHIN SAID CITY, BY INCREASING <br />THE MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE TO SEVEN <br />DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($7.50) AND <br />DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. Tenorio moved the Ordinance be approved on first readinq. <br />Mr. James seconded the motion which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />The Mayor next introduced Item #15 on the agenda, consideration <br />of the City Master Plan. The City Secretary presented a discussion <br />on the organizational structure of the Master Plan Program, a copy <br />of which is attached and made a part of these minutes, and a report <br />on Phase I activities. Mrs. Hambrick told the Council that the <br />first Phase of the program would be organizational culminating by <br />the end of March in the appointment of a fifty member Blue Ribbon <br />Committee to advise Council and staff on the Master Plan and from <br />the membership of the Blue Ribbon Committee, an executive committee <br />to direct Blue Ribbon activities. The Council was further informed <br />that the staff would begin immediately to develop schedules for the <br />next ~1aster Plan Phases and to work on interim zoning and subdivision <br />ordinances to be presented to the City Council for first reading <br />consideration at the last meeting in March. Following the City <br />Secretary's report, Mr. Hyatt moved to approve the organizational I <br />structure of the Master Plan Program. Mr. Tenorio seconded the <br />motion which passed unanimously. t1r. Tenorio moved to authorize <br />staff to proceed with the program as outlined. Mr. Hyatt seconded <br />the motion which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />The Mayor next introduced agenda item #18, consideration of the <br />acceptance of an Environmental Agency Protection Grant for improvements <br />to the City's utility system. Consulting Engineer, Gene Gardner, <br />representing Freese & Nichols, carne before the Council to explain <br />that the grant would assist in funding an inflow and infiltration <br />analysis, a sewer system evaluation survey, facilities planning and <br />environmental assessment of the utility system. Federal monies <br />will fund 75% of the improvements with the City matching 25% of the <br />cost. The program will consist of three parts. Mr. Gardner said <br />that the City is now entering step one which is considered a planning <br />phase. The next phase will be a design phase with the final phase <br />being construction. The City Manager reported to the Council that <br />the original estimate of $27,627.00 allocated for the current year <br />for step one of the EPA program was short by about $100,000.00 since <br />the sewer system evaluation survey was costing a great deal more than <br />anticipated. Mr. Gonzalez told the Council that the $90,000.00 <br />allocated in the next fiscal year for step two of the program would <br />have to be used to finance step one. Mr. Tenorio encouraged the <br />Council to begin identifying new sources of revenues to pay the I <br />City's cost of step two of the EPA Program or to begin rearranging <br />priorities to fund the improvements with existing sources of revenue. <br />The Mayor read the caption of a Resolution as follows: <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SAN ~ffiRCOS, TEXAS, DESIGNATING <br />THE CITY t~NAGER AS SIGNATORY AGENT <br />TO ~~KE APPLICATION FOR A FEDERAL WATER <br />POLLUTION GRANT. <br /> <br />Mr. Hyatt moved the Resolution be adopted. Mr. Cavazos seconded <br />the motion which passed unanimously. <br />