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<br />57. <br /> <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br /> <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br /> <br />COUNTY OF HAYS <br /> <br />RECITALS: <br />1. The San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce (the "Chamber") administers a <br />community economic development program through the Greater San Marcos Economic <br />Development Council (the "EDC"). <br />2. The City of San Marcos (the "City") desires to renew its contract with the EDC and <br />the Chamber for fiscal year 1999-2000 in order to promote orderly and responsible <br />economic development for the San Marcos geographic area. <br />This agreement is made by and between the City, the EDC and the Chamber. <br />AGREEMENT: <br />1. JOINT OBLIGATIONS OF EDC AND CHAMBER <br />A. EDC and Chamber shall conduct and administer an economic development <br />program which has as its mission the promotion of economic growth and the generation of <br />productive employment opportunities in San Marcos while enhancing the unique quality of <br />life in San Marcos. EDC and Chamber agree to use their best efforts to accomplish this <br />mission by using the following strategies and actions to achieve the following goals during <br />the term of this Agreement: <br />Goal No.1: The attraction of new high quality jobs. <br />Strategy- To directly or indirectly facilitate the attraction of new jobs that provide <br />sustainable wages, benefits and opportunities for advancement through national <br />prospect development efforts, investors and through spin-offs of existing local firms. <br />Actions: <br />1. Provide fast, quality response, information and hosting services to every contact <br />by phone, mail, Internet or direct contact. <br />2. Implementation of the Target Marketing Plan and a national marketing program <br />