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PROPERTIES, INC. DATED MARCH 7, 1980 AND RECORDE~%~IN <br />VOLUME 339, PAGE 326 OF THE HAYS COUNTY DEED RECORDS <br /> <br />BEGINNING at an iron rod found for the apparent north <br />corner of the "Tract No. One" of the aforereferenced Rhew <br />to Scrutchin Properties, Inc. tract, same being the <br />apparent east corner of that 9.41 acre tract of land <br />described in a deed from Seguin Convalescent Home, Inc. <br />to Roger D. Wilson and Henry Moore, Jr. dated~April 29, <br />1970 and recorded in Volume 236, Page 573 of the Hays <br />County Deed Records, in the apparent southwest line of <br />Riverside Drive (formerly old Martindale Road) for the <br />north corner of the herein described tract; <br /> <br />THENCE leaving the PLACE OF BEGINNING and the Wilson <br />tract as shown on that plat numbered 20409-81-b as <br />prepared during June 1981 f~r Scrutchin Properties, Inc. <br />by James E. Byrn and Associates of San Marcos, Texas, <br />with the apparent northeast line of the two Rhew to <br />Scrutchin Properties, Inc. tracts, same being the <br />southwest line of Riverside Drive S49°14'41"E 212.79 feet <br />to an iron rod found for the apparent east corner of the <br />Rhew to Scrutchin Properties, Inc. tracts and the <br />apparent north corner of the aforereferenced Carson to <br />Scrutchin Properties, Inc. tract, pass at a record <br />distance of 70 feet an exterior corner ~of the Rhew to <br />Scrutchin Properties, Inc. tract No. One, and the north <br />corner of the Rhew to Scrutchin Properties, Inc. tract <br />No. Two, and pass at a record distance of 140 feet the <br />east corner of Rhew to Scrutchin Properties, Inc. tract <br />Two, and the exterior corner of the Rhew to Scrutchin <br />Properties, Inc. tract No. One; <br /> <br />THENCE leaving the Rhew to Scrutchin Properties, Inc. <br />Tract No. One, with the common line of the Carson to <br />Scrutchin Properties, Inc. Tact, and Riverside Drive the <br />following four courses: . <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />S50°14'05"E 239.96 feet to an iron rod found, <br />S48°51'21"E 20.89 feet to an iron rod found, <br />S35°54'17"E 155.68 feet to an iron rod round, <br />and <br />S03°54'45"W 19.73 feet to an iron pipe found <br />at the Intersection of the northwest line of <br />the I.H. 35 Frontage Road and the southwest <br />line of Riverside Drive, for an exterior <br />corner of the herein described tract; <br /> <br />THENCE leaving Riverside Drive with the apparent common <br />line of the Carson to Scrutchin Properties, Inc. and the <br />IH 35 Frontage Road the following three courses: <br /> <br /> S49o47'35"W 356.19 feet to a concrete Highway <br /> monument, <br /> N65o32'00"W 116.30 feet to a concrete Highway <br /> monument, and <br /> N69°32'00"W 100.00 feet to a point' for the <br /> apparent southerly west corner of the Carson <br /> .~to ~Scrutchin ~roperties, Inc tract, on the <br /> approximate east .low bank of, and referencing <br /> the gradient boundary of the San Marcos-River, <br /> for the approximate west corner of the herein <br /> described tract; <br /> <br />THENCE leaving the IH 35 Frontage Road with the gradient <br />boundary of the San Marcos River, as referenced by the <br />following three courses along the approximate low bank of <br />the San Marcos River: <br /> <br />N17o03'00"E 128.60 feet to an angle point, <br />N05:54'00"W 83.30 feet to an angle point and <br />N23o59'20"W 57.99 feet to a point for the <br /> <br /> <br />