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Ord 2021-085/reducing the speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour along the streets in the Forest Hills Subdivision[Icon] 2
Ord 2021-086/annexing into the City approximately 21.31 acres of land, generally located at the northwest corner of the W. Centerpoint Rd. and Flint Ridge Rd. intersection in Case No. AN-21-08[Icon] 6
Ord 2021-087/amending the Official Zoning Map of the City in Case No. ZC-21-18 by rezoning appro 21.31 acres located at the NW corner of the W Centerpoint Rd and Flint Ridge Rd i Multi-Family Residential District, or subject to consent of the owner[Icon] 8
Ord 2021-088/amending Table 2.1 and Section‎(A)‎‎(1)‎ to require posted notice of a Public Hearing before the Historic Preservation Commission regarding a request for a certificate of appropriateness; amending Section 4.5[Icon] 7
Ord 2021-089/designating the City as a Media Production Development Zone[Icon] 2
Ord 2021-090/Canvassing returns and declaring results of the general election, held on Nov 2, 2021 electing city council member place five amdndment to charter[Icon] 36
Ord 2021-090/November 2, 2021 Election Canvass Ordinance[Icon] 35
Ord 2021-091/Annexing into the city approximately 3.60 acres of land generally located at the Northwest corner of the stateHwy 123 and Clovis Barker Rd intersection cas AN 21-10[Icon] 14
Ord 2021-092/Annexing into the city approximately 2.1 acres of land generally located In the 5900 block of south IH35[Icon] 3
Ord 2021-093/Amending The Official Zoning Map Of The City In Case No. Zc-21-17, By Rezoning Approximately 2.78 Acres Of Land, Generally Located In The 5900 Block Of South Ih-35, From "Fd" Future Development District And[Icon] 6
Ord 2021-094/amending the Official Zoning Map of the City in Case ZC-21-22,[Icon] 8
Ord 2021-095/Levying speciall assessment for and apportioning the cost of certain improvement to property in and for the whisper S public improvement district fixing a charge and lien against all properties within the district.[Icon] 6
Ord 2021-096/adopting amendments to Appendix A - Thoroughfare Plan and appendix G-Bycicle plan.[Icon] 20
Ord 2022-097/Authorizing the issuance of the city special assessment revenue bond series 2022 Whisper S. PID Approving and Authorizing an Indenture of trustA bond purchase agreement an offering Memo[Icon] 6
TMP-21-01 Ordinance attachments_red2[Icon] 26
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