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Res 2023-153R approving a contract with Axon Enterprises, Inc., through the Texas BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative for the purchase of law enforcement body cameras and related supplies and technology[Icon] 1
Res 2023-154R approving an agreement providing for the city to sell Edwards Aquifer Water on a temporary basis to the City of Kyle[Icon] 5
Res 2023-155R accepting financial assistance for the Taxiway Alpha Reconstruction Project at the San Marcos Regional Airport from the Texas Department of Transportation Aviation Division[Icon] 44
Res 2023-156R approving contracts to Austin Arborist Co., doing business as Austin Tree Experts, and Heritage Tree Care LLC., each in a not to exceed amount of $135,000.00 per year, per contract, per firm, for initial two-year terms[Icon] 3
Res 2023-157R approving an extension with SHI Government Solutions, Inc., through the State Department of Information Resources Contract for Microsoft Enterprise Agreement licenses for the period of one year with two annual renewals[Icon] 1
Res 2023-158R approving a contract with Progressive Commercial Aquatics, Inc., through the Texas Buyboard Purchasing Cooperative for the purchase of pool chemicals and maintenance of city pools and splash pad in the annual amount of $60,000.00[Icon] 1
Res 2023-159R approving Change Order No. 2 for the contract to Santa Clara Construction, Ltd., for the Blanco Gardens Drainage Improvements Project in the amount of $1,964,712.71 for storm drain and river outfall construction[Icon] 1
Res 2023-160R providing a nomination to serve on the Hays Central Appraisal District Board of Directors for a one-year term commening January 1, 2024[Icon] 7
Res 2023-161R approving the updated Texas Department of Transportation sponsored Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan ‎(PTASP)‎, version 2, and establishing fiscal year 2024[Icon] 51
Res 2023-162R approving the Transit Asset Management Plan and establishing safety performance targets for the City of San Marcos Public Transit Services in accordance with 49 CFR part 625,[Icon] 9
Res 2023-163R approving a contract with Texas Disposal Systems for disposal of street sweeping and storm water management pond waste in the annual amount of $170,000.00 with up to four one year extensions[Icon] 1
Res 2023-164R approving a contract with Alamo Crane Service Inc., Selma, Texas for crane and hauling services regarding electrical equipment and improvements in the annual amount of $60,000.00 with up to four one year[Icon] 2
Res 2023-165R approving a Regional Law Enforcement Academy ‎(RLEA)‎ agreement between the City of San Marcos and the Capital Area Council of Governments ‎(CAPCOG)‎[Icon] 6
Res 2023-166R approving a funding contract with the non-profit San Marcos Sights and Sounds of Christmas, Inc. for the 2023 Sights and Sounds of Christmas signature event[Icon] 12
Res 2023-167R approving the Fare and Service Change Policy for the San Marcos Public Transit Services per section 5307 Small Urbanized Area Formula Grants guidelines[Icon] 6
Res 2023-168RReceive a Staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Resolution 2023-168R, approving the Downtown Area Plan, including a focus on historic and cultural character,[Icon] 1
Res 2023-169R approving a contract with Cedar Hills Construction, LLC, for the Barnes Drive Improvements Project for new wastewater mains in the amount of $454,603.00[Icon] 6
Res 2023-170R approving a Change in Service No. 2 to the agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to add final design, bidding and construction phase[Icon] 10
Res 2023-171R approving the purchase of ‎(70)‎ BolaWraps with associated cartridges and equipment for the San Marcos Police Department in the amount of $112,211.99[Icon] 6
Res 2023-172R approving Change Order #1 for the construction contract with Rural Electric, Inc., relating to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Electric Backup Distribution to increase the contract price by $96,701.44.00[Icon] 1
Res 2023-173R casting all of the city’s 344 votes in favor of Jane Hughson to serve on the Hays Central Appraisal District Board of Directors for a one-year term commending on January 1, 2024[Icon] 1
Res 2023-174R awarding a construction contract to Santa Clara Construction, LTD., for the Sunset Acres Neighborhood Improvement, Phase 1 project in the estimated amount of $1,642,910.00[Icon] 12
Res 2023-175R approving an increase in cost to the contract with Climatec, LLC for technical support for facilities in the amount of $38,718.00[Icon] 2
Res 2023-176R approving an extension through March 31, 2024, of the State Use Contract with Goodwill Temporary Services, Inc., through TIBH Industries, Inc.,[Icon] 2
Res 2023-177R approving Change Order #2 for the construction contract with to Qro-Mex Construction, Inc, for the West Purgatory Creek Wastewater Improvement[Icon] 1
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213 Entries
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