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Res 2023-203 approving a Change in Service to an agreement with LNV, Inc for the provision of professional engineering services for the Linda Drive Improvements Project[Icon] 1
Res 2023-204R approving an agreement with ARA Properties II, a Texas General Partnership, for the city to purchase a 0.069 acre utility easement in the vicinity of the intersection of State Highway 123 and De Zavala Drive[Icon] 20
Res 2023-205R authorizing a Change in Service to the professional services agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., relating to the Wastewater Master Plan to add in Impact Fee analysis for $140,170.00[Icon] 5
Res 2023-206R approving an agreement with American FR & Safety, through the interlocal agreement with New Braunfels Utilities, for the purchase of uniforms[Icon] 1
Res 2023-207R approving an amendment to the Alliance Regional Water Authority’s ‎(“ARWA’S”)‎ Regional Water Supply Contract to provide the authority the ability to issue bond anticipation notes[Icon] 4
Res 2023-208R approving a Resolution by the Board of Directors of the Alliance Regional Water Authority authorizing the issuance of Alliance Regional Water Authority bond anticipation note ‎(Regional Water Supply Contract Project)‎, Series 2023[Icon] 76
Res 2023-209R approving the award of a construction contract to Teal Arrow LLC., for Guardrail Construction and Maintenance Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity for the Public Works Department[Icon] 6
Res 2023-210R approving the award of a contract to Heat Transfer Solutions, Inc., in the amount of $381,702.00 for the maintenance and refurbishment of the cooling tower at the San Marcos Conference Center[Icon] 1
Res 2023-211R authorizing Change Order No.11 to the construction contract with Seidel Construction, LLC., relating to the Fire Station No. 6 project, to provide for replacement of a generator[Icon] 1
Res 2023-212R approving the reallocation of $473,557.00 in funds received by the City of San Marcos under the American Rescue Plan to support the recovery of the community[Icon] 3
Res 2023-213R approving a Change in Services to the contract with Booth Management Consulting, LLC., for the provision of consulting services for oversight and compliance in connection with the American Rescue Plan Act ‎(ARPA)‎[Icon] 4
Res 2023-214R approving the award of a construction contract to Rucoba & Maya Construction, LLC, for the Gary Sports Complex Adult Softball[Icon] 4
Res 2023-215R appointing a member of the city council to the Central Texas Clean Air Coalition for the 2024-2025 term[Icon] 1
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213 Entries
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