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69 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARC OS, <br />TEXAS, MARCH 24, 1997 <br />PRESENT: Mayor Billy G. Moore <br />Mayor Pro-Tem * Rick Hernandez <br />Council Members Ed Mihalkanin <br /> Jane Hughson <br /> Ronald K. Hart <br />E Fred Guerra <br />** Joe B. Cox, Jr. <br />City Manager Larry D. Gilley <br />Assistant City Manager Laura Huffinan <br />City Secretary Janis K. Womack <br />City Attorney Mark B. Taylor <br />Director of MIS Ramona Brown <br />Director of Finance Bill White <br />Director of Planning and Developmental Services Ron Patterson <br />Director of Environmental Health Terry Ewald <br />Director of WIC Eddie Ortega <br />Director of SMEU Bob Higgs <br />Director of Engineering Stephen Jenkins <br />Director of Public Works George Boeker <br />Director of Library S. Langenkamp <br />Police Chief Larry Kendrick <br />Fire Chief Dan O'Leary <br />Director of Airport Jack Doughty <br />Also Present: Collette Duran, Melissa Millecam, Mario Gutierrez, Ken Clayboum, William Ford, <br />Cheryl Pantermuehl, Phil Neighbors, Scott Maier, Bryan McClung, Bob Ronson, Larry Hanson <br />and others. <br />Mayor Moore called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br />Mayor Moore introduced the ten-minute citizen comment period. There were no speakers. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration approval of appointments to the 1997 Mayor's Blue <br />Ribbon Bond Committee. Mr. Mihalkanin moved to appoint Herbert Sanchez, Mr. Guerra <br />moved to appoint Debbie Austin and Bryan McClung and Mayor Moore moved to appoint Lisa <br />Garza for Mr. Hernandez, which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore moved to receive a Report from the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Committee on Tourism <br />Development. Mr. Mihalkanin stated this committee was developed six months ago and had five <br />tasks: 1) Identify product inventory, 2) Analyze tourism demand, 3) Coordinate tourism <br />development with other community priorities, 4) Develop a strategy to stimulate and coordinate <br />new product development, and 5) Develop a report and make recommendations to the City <br />Council. Mr. Mihalkanin thanked the City Council for the opportunity to present this report and <br />stated there will be continuing discussion on many of these matters. He stated this was a very <br />comprehensive report in line with the City's Master Plan and felt San Marcos has great potential <br />for future development. A copy of this Report is attached. <br />Mayor Moore introduced a public hearing and approval of the City Council's Budget Policy <br />Statement for fiscal year 1997-1998. Mayor Moore opened the pubic hearing and asked if <br />anyone wished to speak. No one did so Mayor Moore closed the public hearing. Mr. Guerra <br />moved for approval of the 1997-1998 Budget Policy Statement and Mr. Mihalkanin seconded the <br />motion. <br />* Mr. Hernandez present at 9:38 p.m. <br />** Mr. Cox not present at this meeting.