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193 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, AUGUST 23, 1999 <br />PRESENT: Mayor <br />Mayor Pro-Tern <br />Council Members <br />City Manager <br />City Secretary <br />City Attorney <br />Director of Planning and Development Services <br />Director of Finance <br />Director of Airport <br />Fire Chief <br />Police Chief <br />Director of Library <br />Billy G. Moore <br />Ed Mihalkanin <br />Jane Hughson <br />Louis Doiron, Jr. <br />Earl Moseley, Jr. <br />Joe B. Cox, Jr. <br />Rick Hernandez <br />Larry D. Gilley <br />Janis K. Womack <br />Mark B. Taylor <br />Ron Patterson <br />Bill White <br />Jack Doughty <br />Dan O'Leary <br />Steve Griffith <br />Stephanie Langenkamp <br />Others Present: Ray Hernandez, Rodney Gonzales, Larry DuPont, John Cooper, Marsha Cooper, <br />Dianne Wassenich, Lupe Carbajal, Mark Minnick, Collette Duran, Melissa Millecam, Gwen Smith, <br />Susan Narvaiz, Mike Narvaiz, Jr., Sarah Alvarez, Ron Jager, Marie Jager, Craig Corbin, Ofelia <br />Vasquez-Philo, Kyle Maysel, Rob Robinson, Ted Breihan, David Chiu, Kelly Franks, David Leder, <br />Cheryl Pantermuehl, Frances Emory, Catherine Rich, George VonderLippe, Scott Myers and others. <br />Mayor Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />Mayor Moore introduced the ten-minute citizen comment period. 1. David M. Newman stated his <br />concern regarding Comanche Wells and would like the City Council to not let SWT build over those <br />water wells because of the harm that could be done to the water supply in San Marcos. 2. Tyler R. <br />Carlson stated he agrees with Mr. Newman and the City Council was voted into office by the citizens, <br />not by SWT. 3. Walt Plummer stated information needs to be given to the public of all public <br />hearings before a decision by the Council is made. 4. Mark A. Minnick stated his thanks to the <br />Council for benefits to police officers and employees. He requested the Council approve <br />implementation of the salary survey, which will help retain officers and employees. 5. Dianne <br />Wassenich stated her thanks to the three Council Members who read the fine point of the Contract for <br />Comanche Wells. She would like to know how any new wells will affect existing wells around them <br />and will EAA allow new wells to be drilled. 6. Charles Meeks stated he is the owner of Culligan <br />Water and he has tested Comanche Wells, which currently has the highest purity of water in the City <br />compared to all other wells. He stated Southwest Texas Board of Regents cannot guarantee good water <br />wells and does not want the Council to let Comanche Wells go at any price. 7. Gilbert Rodriguez <br />stated he is representing his parents regarding the zoning issue in Victory Gardens and he would like <br />the Council to approve it. 8. Joseph Pfeffer stated to give up the wells would be stupid. 9. Megan <br />Combs stated she is a citizen and student in San Marcos and she does not think SWT has always made <br />decisions to benefit the City of San Marcos. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration two appointments to the Housing Authority Board. Mr. <br />Hernandez moved to reappoint Judy Ferrer as the Housing Representative and Mayor Moore moved to <br />appoint Seth Worley, which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration six appointments to the Drainage Advisory Board. Mr. <br />Moseley moved to appoint Fred Guerra for Sector 3, Mayor Moore moved to appoint Blas Santallan for <br />Sector 4 and Lorraine Burleson for Sector 6 and Mr. Doiron moved to appoint Keith Lutz for the At- <br />Large position, which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration one appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission