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<br /> 44. <br /> MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br /> OF THE CITY COUNCil., OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br /> TEXAS, MAY 22, 2000 <br />PRESENT: Mayor David Chiu <br /> Council Members Louis Doiron, Jr. <br /> Earl Moseley, Jr. <br /> Jane Hughson <br /> Joe B. Cox, Jr. <br /> Paul Mayhew <br /> Rick Hernandez <br /> City Manager Larry D. Gilley <br /> Deputy City Manager Laura Huffman <br /> City Clerk Janis K. Womack <br /> City Attorney Mark B. Taylor <br /> Fire Chief Dan O'Leary <br /> Director of Information Services Ramona Brown <br /> Director of Engineering Laurie Anderson <br /> Director of Planning and Development Services Ron Patterson <br /> Director of Parks and Recreation Rodney Cobb <br />Others Present: Melissa Millecam, Collette Duran, W.C. Carson, Gwen Smith, George <br />VonderLippe, John McBride, Francile Blue, Jim Byrn, Dan Praver, Hector Montenegro, <br />Sarah Alvarez, Karen Brown, Mary Cauble, Phil Neighbors, Derrick Benn, Carol <br />Coughlin, Ofelia Vasquez-Philo, Karen Smith, Shirley Austin, Mary Gonzalez, John <br />Tatsch, Chris North, Ollie Giles, Johnnie Armstead, Joe Castillo, Ruben Garza, Stacye <br />Wilson, Sue Cohen, Murlin Evans, and many others. <br />Mayor Chiu called the meeting to order at 7 :00 p.m. <br />Mayor Chiu introduced the ten-minute citizen comment period. 1. Walt Plummer, who <br />resides at 7 Briarwood in San Marcos, stated citizens have been denied access to the river <br />at Spring Lake Dam for too long. SWT fenced the area for safety of the citizens, but <br />continues to allow their employees in that area to care for the lawn. Mr. Plummer stated <br />the fence is partially on City property and the City needs to investigate which portion <br />belongs to them. If the City does own part of this property, the fence should be removed <br />so that citizens may have access to that area. 2. Rene Compeon, who resides at 217 Ellis <br />in Victory Gardens, stated Mr. Allen's request to build affordable housing would cause <br />vandalism and more drainage problems (Item 5.C). 3, Mary Mendoza, a resident of <br />Gravel Street, stated she does not want more traffic in her area and asked the Council to <br />vote no on the Carson's request for zoning. 4. Kim Schofield, who resides at 1119 San <br />Antonio Street, stated she has been a resident of San Marcos for ten years and does not <br />feel the City has proper traffic control. The Carson's request for zoning would increase <br />traffic and crime. 5. Anna Mathes stated the Carson's request for zoning on Wonder <br />World Drive is not a good location for apartments. Apartments need to be located where <br />ti'affic and growth can be maintained. 6. Amy Denison, who resides at 1002 W. Hopkins <br />Street, stated she submitted a letter to the Council and she read it for the record. Ms, <br />Denison is opposed to the Carson's request for zoning and urged the Council to vote no <br />for their request. 7. John Thomaides deferred his time to John Ahlberg, Mr. Ahlberg <br />stated the Carson's request for zoning is about money and issues, such as traffic and <br />infrastructure, need to be met first. 8. Matt Barron, resides at 921 Belvin and he wants to <br />speak at the public hearing for the Carson's request for zoning. 9. Lindsey Barron stated <br />she does not object to the Carson's request to develop Light Industrial, but San Marcos <br />needs to meet the needs of the surrounding neighborhoods. 10. Miguel Lecuona stated <br />he would speak at the public hearing for the Carson's request for zoning. 11. Gretchen <br />Lindsey stated traffic and infrastructure problems need to be resolved before the Carson's <br />request for zoning should occur. 12. Gwen Smith stated San Marcos is becoming an <br />apartment land and she urges the Council to vote no for the Carson's request for zoning. <br />13. Carmen Janel stated most of the single famil y homes were not built in San Marcos <br />