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<br />REl:1ULAR !\lEE'rING MAY 18, 1955 <br /> <br />lit I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />On this, the 18th day of May, 1955, A. D., at 2:00 o'clock P.M., <br />the City Council of the City of San Marcos, Texas met at the City Hall in a <br />reg;ular meeting with the following memb-ers present and participating: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />1.1 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Frank E. Dietterich, Mayor <br />C'oy De Viney, Alderman <br />Harold G. Smith, Alderw_an <br />S. R. Beecroft, Alder-man <br />Frank D. Hill, Jr., Alderman <br /> <br />Abs'ent: <br /> <br />Calvin M. Allen, Alderman <br /> <br />Others present: <br /> <br />Ann Ziemke <br /> <br />w. G. Bapbee <br />Paul Regers <br /> <br />Ernest Morgan <br /> <br />A quorum being present, Mayor Die"tterich called the meeting to order <br />and the follovdng transpired: <br /> <br />'l'nere was a discussion on a claim' of '''''alter Morren for fees which <br />he alleges are due him arising out of his claim that he acted as a <br />police 'Officer at dances for a long period of time during a py'evious <br />administration. His claim was for the period of time from April 14, <br />1951 to March 29,1952 for working dances atf~5.00 :oer' niB;hf; making <br />a total claim ofl~260 .00. '1:he COUDe il r'ej ected this claim oecause it <br />would find no legal basis for approlling it, and requested Ernest Morgan <br />to communi'cate the Council's decision to IVlr. Morren. <br /> <br />Mr. 'oarbee reported to the City Counbil that he has had some <br />conversation with Mr. Albert M. Walker, Attorney for Mr. R. L. Light- <br />foot who ovms property si tuated jus t outs ide the Oi ty Limits. Mr. Light- <br />foot has heretofore platted some of his property for sub-division <br />purposes, but that property whicn he now owns just outside the City <br />Limits has not been platted or subdivided. Mr. Lightfoot is selling <br />his property off in small parcels and is laying out streets or planning <br />to lay outs treets which do no t conform to the City requirements for <br />such installations. It is anticipated that in the near futUre <br />Mr. Lightfoot or those persons to whom he has sold property, will <br />request' city utili Ues and will request the City to maintain such <br />streets. The Council was of the opinion' that the property in question <br />will likely be come a part of the Cit y at some time in ~Yje future, <br />and in order that the streets and other public ways will best serve <br />the-needs of t11.e entire city, the streets and utilities should be <br />installed in accordance with City requirements. 'rhe Council's attention <br />was called to Article 974-A, Section 8, VACS, which prohibits the <br />furnishing by the City of utility service until ~he plan of development <br />has been approved bT the City. The Council reques ted Ernes t Morgan <br />to direct a letter to Mr. Lightfoot's attorney, requesting that the <br />streets, other public ways and utilities be insteJled in the <br />property in accordance with Ci t;y s'"ecii'ications and that city utilities <br />would not be furnished unless this is done. <br /> <br />Mr. Barbee brought to the attention of the Council the request of <br />A. F. Weatherford fOr a sewer connection to his property. Mr. Weatl~r- <br />ford contended that, at the time his property was taken into the <br />City Lir~ts, he was proLused sewer service. Mr. Barbee told the <br />Council he had checked the minutes of previous meetings and nad found <br />no cownitment to furnish sewer service. tie had found a cOlrrmitment <br />to furnish water service and that cOmITLitment has been carried out. <br />The cost of running a sewer line to the point where Mr. Weatherford <br />can tie on to it, is estifuated at $1,100.00. ~w. Barbee also brought <br />to the attention of the Council that a sewer line was run down the <br />railroad right-of-way to the Feltner Addition and that this line had <br />been placed across the Weatherford property without Mr. Weatherford's <br />consent or permission. The Council took the position that'the request <br />of Mr. Weatherford for sewer service and his claim, if any, arising <br />OUG of the sewer line running across his property constituted two <br />separate and distinct transactions. The Council decided un~~imously <br />that it would not be nnactlcable at this time to undertake to connect <br />the Weatherford houses to the sewer line at City expense. <br /> <br />There was a discuSsion concerning the City Dog Ordinance. lvlr.Ernest <br />l~organ, City Attorney, stated th~at the present City Dog Ordinance provides <br />for a dog catcher and a dog pound. Alderman De Viney made a motion <br />that a dog pound be built on the City Dump Grounds. Aldennan Smi th <br />seconded the motion. A vote Vias taKen which resulted unanimously in <br />favor of the motion. Alderman De Viney suggested that two or tlll'ee <br />