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<br />REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 12, 1955 <br /> <br />.81 <br /> <br />anthis, the 12th day of October, 1955, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., <br />the City Council of the City of San Marcos, Texas, met in a regular <br />meeting at the City Hall in San Marcos, with the following members <br />present and participating: <br /> <br />Frank ". ;)iettericn, Mayor <br />Calvin M. Allen, Alderman <br />Frank D. Hill, Ji>., Alderman <br />Harold G. Smith, Alderman <br />S. R. Beecroft, Alderman <br />Coy De Viney, Alderman <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Others present: <br /> <br />'N. G. Barbee <br />Frank T. Drought <br /> <br />Vial tel' Buckner Caesar Damon Capt. stein <br />A. Y. McWilliams Ann Ziemke <br /> <br />Capt. Stein from Gary Air FOrce Base met with the Council to talk <br />on safety~~ong automobile drivers and the program which is being <br />followed at Gary Air Force Base in determining and preventing the <br />causes of accidents. CaDt. dtein stated that each accident is reported <br />to the CO!llTIander. He stated that after three or more incidents have <br />occurred, the Commander is called on to investigate the matter to deter- <br />mine the cause of such incidents. If he is unable to arri ve at a <br />solution, then the person is forwarded to the base hospital or chaplain. <br />Capt. Stein reported that the base tries in every way to co-operate <br />with the Civilian Ageneies. He stated that reeently they have been <br />confronted Idth the Droblem of the Airmen drinking excessively. <br />By following the program, they have had satisfactory results. Capt. <br />Stein told the City Council that the Base would be happy to make a <br />survey on anyone area that might be giving the authorities trouble <br />to determine the cause. <br /> <br />Mayor Dietterich stated that information had been forwarded to <br />Gary Air Force Base concerning a Community CounCil, which consists of <br />civilians and military personnel. After a discussion, Mayor Dietterich <br />suggested that Caesar Damon and several others be appointed to study <br />this information and report their findings to the Council. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />It was reported that Jr. William L. Moore's appointment as <br />City Health Officer had terminated July 22, 1955. The state Department <br />of Health has requested that the Council either reappoint Dr. Moore <br />or appoint someone else as Heal th Officer. Alderman Hill made amotion <br />that ~r. William L. Moore, Jr. be reappointed as City Health Officer. <br />Alder~an Beecroft seconded the motion. A vote was taken which resulted <br />unanimously in favor of the motion. Dr. Moore's term shall begin <br />retroactive to July 22, 1955 and end on July 22, 1957, unless said <br />officer is removed by law. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Frank T. Drought, engineer from San Antonio, Tex., met with the <br />City Council to report on the survey which was made by his firm to <br />determine the cost of extending sewer lines to the northern section <br />of San Marcos. He stated that the survey included some areas which <br />are outside the city limits, and that these lines can be extended <br />further if necessary. Mr. Drought stated that,if these lines were put <br />in, it would be advisable to take the college off the present line and <br />connect it to a new outfall line. He advised the Council that these <br />additional lines would not over burden the present sewer plant, as it <br />was designed to handle an increase in volume. He stated that the <br />pumps at the stand-by station would run more often in order to handle <br />this increase. He reported that the total estimate is $218,600.00, which <br />includes 1~72, 700.00 for an outfall line and lift station and~8,600.00 <br />for the Millview Addition. ~nis figure does not include engineering, <br />right-of-way and contingencies. There was a discussion on the amount <br />of each connection and other items. The Council agreed to take no action <br />until Mr. Barbee can contact Russ & Company to determine whether or <br />not t.'1.e city is financiall y able to undertake such a pro gram. <br /> <br />Mr. Drought stated that he will start on the architectural planning <br />of the two fire stations next week. He told the Council that it will <br />be necessary to make a test hole on the lot in the Rio Vista Terrace <br />Addition, which will cost not more than $100.00. Alderrnan Smith <br />made a motion that the Council authorize Mr. Drou&'1.t to have the <br />test hole made. Alderman Hill seoonded the motion. A vote was taken <br />which resulted unanimously in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />Mr. 0'/. G. Barbee stated that, the City has received another payment <br />from tn''" Rous:trig Authority in lieu of taxes and a payment of $1,076.00 <br />