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<br />1! <br /> <br />REGULAR MEETING MAY 8, 1957 <br /> <br />On this, the 8th day of May, 1957, at 2:00 P. M. the City Council of the City <br />of San Marcos, Texas met in a regular meeting at the City Hall in San Marcos, with <br />the following members pTesent and participating: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />C. M. Allen, Mayor <br />S. R. Beecroft, Alderman <br />B. D. HillbuTn, Alderman <br />Herman Korff, Alderman <br />W. M. Davis, Alderman <br />H. W. Steakley, Alderman <br /> <br />Others present WeTe: <br /> <br />Willard Pennington, Mrs. J. C. Sullivan, Mrs. C. V. Carson, Mrs. Helen Carnes, <br />Mrs. Ray McMeans, Winston Patton, Francis MerceT, and FredeTicka Hopkins. <br /> <br />A quprum being present, the Mayor called the meeting to order, and the following <br />transpiTed: <br /> <br />The first business to come before the Council for consideration was the question <br />of whether the City would buy a portable resuscitator for the Fire Departmen~ Mr. <br />Francis Mercer, representing the Fire Department, stated that if it were bought it <br />would be placed on the Diamond T Fire Truck, and would also be available for the <br />use of the Police DepaTtment. He further stated that he was of the opinion that the <br />Civil Defense would pay half the cost of the purchase price. Mr. Beecroft made a <br />motion that Mr. Hillburn get a set of specifications, and ask for bids, and then <br />~urchase the portable resuscitator. Mr. Davis seconded the motion. A vote was <br />taken which Tesulted unanimously in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Next on the agenda was the question of whether the City should have a blanket <br />bond on the City Employees. Mr. Don Ennis, of the W. H. TineT Insurance Agency, <br />explained to the Council the difference between the present honesty bond on individual <br />employees, and the proposed blanket bond. The present set-up would require the City <br />to pinpoint the dishonesty to the individual; whereas the blanket bond would pay <br />off up to the total amount of the bond, without pinpointing the dishonesty on any <br />certain one. Mr. Korff made a motion that the City take out the honesty and faithful <br />performance blanket bond for a period of three years, in the amount of $5,000.00. <br />For want of a second to his motion, Mr. Korff withdrew same. Mr. Beecroft then made <br />a motion that the City take oUe such a three-year $5,000.00 blanket honesty bond <br />from the W. H. Tiner Insurance Agency. Mr. Korff seconded the motion. A vote Was <br />taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />Mr. Willard Pennington, representing the Interclub Baseball Committee then told <br />the Council of the needs of finishing the # 3 baseball diamond at the Little League <br />Field. He stated that they would need $1,200 for poles, wire etc., in fact all <br />materials, to light this diamond; that they would like to transfer the light bills to <br />the City which are about $200.00 a year; and would like for Mr. Rackley to help <br />supervise fixing the field. <br /> <br />Three of the members of the local BUsiness and Professional Women's Club told <br />of their sponsoring the space between the diamonds. They stated that at this time <br />they would like to have a space black to~ped to make a badminton court on. They <br />estimated that this would cost around $150.00 <br /> <br />I) <br /> <br />Mr. Steakley made a motion to approve $1,550.00 for fixing the Little <br />Field # 3 and to build a badm~nton court next to the Little League Field. <br />seconded the motion. A vote was taken which resulted unanimously in favor <br />motion. <br /> <br />League <br />Mr. Hillburn <br />of the <br /> <br />The next business was that of accepting the resignation of Mr. W. G. Barbee as <br />City Treasurer and City Executive Secretary, effective May 1, 1957. Mr. Hillburn <br />then made a motion to accept the resignation of Mr. W. G. Barbee as City Treasurer, <br />and as City Executive Secretary, effective May 1, 1957. Mr. Beecroft seconded the <br />motion. A vote was taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />Alderman Hillburn now made a motion that Mrs. Fredericka Hopkins be appointed <br />City Treasurer, effective immediately, with authority to sign all checks of the <br />City, and the San Marcos Utilities, together with such other instruments and documents <br />as may require the signature of the City Treasurer, and to perform such other duties <br />~~,~ay devolve upon her as the holder of said office. Alderman Davis seconded the <br />