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<br />REGULAR Iv!cET IN'3 8~'~ CCT03Ea B ~ 19:.':i7 <br /> <br />~ <br />/// <br /> <br />en '(bis~ the 8th day of CC-~Ob8J', 19;')7, at 2:00 Pi! M. t.he c;ity Co'unc:.l of the:: <br />", of San l,;'j.;:n'cos, Texas, met in a- regu.lar rrweting 2't the Clty :IaLL in San MaTtoS, <br />the membeI'::-: present and participatitig::. <br /> <br />Mayor c. M~ AIJen <br />'jLlde:rm;J.n ..:::. 11.. BaseToft <br />A1 d e:rffir3.n B.. ~)"" Hi 11bu:rn <br />Alderman H~rman Korff <br />AJ.derman w. M~ Davis <br />f::'.lderman H.. M. S -teaklsy <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />cthe~'s prf-,sent v'J9x.e: <br /> <br />B. 8~ FulleYt City Mar.age~ <br />Carlyn Tatch~ City Secre'tary <br />Mr.. liTexH Hughson, Hughson Locker Plant <br />Mr.. Lee Harrjl San Jv],;:t!'cos Heco,;:'d <br /> <br />IJL quorum tei:""q present the me€:ting wa~. called to o:rde:r by C~ M.. iI,lJen, MayoTt <br />and following -transpired: <br /> <br />Each membe:r havino been Dr8serr~:ed wlth e_ cony of the aoenda fOT this meeting, <br />t.he fi:r:st topic on the'" agonda' was take~ under di'SGusslon regatding the following <br />il,rnendment to the Slaughte:rhouse O:rdinance whid1 had b~)f)n prepar0d by the ei ty <br />...'1T.torne}t: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />nS(:ction'i,fX (a). All persons, fiTffiS or corpor2.tions operating <br />slaughte:ring, packing or processing busirwss, subject to the <br />provisions herein, and whose plants are located within or <br />wlthou.'i: the City Limits of "t.he City of San Marcos, shall be <br />inspect.ed under th€, superv:i.slon of the Heal tb Department of <br />Ute City Df San IvIa:tco5~ by a meat inspector or assistant <br />meat inspector of the City of San MG:tcos, who has been assign- <br />ed by the Chief M~at Inspector with approval of the Director <br />of the Public Health ~.o such plant~ Th0~ charge for such <br />in,spectiolls of the s:l2ughte~'in9 of cattle and hogs shall be <br />the su;'n of forty cents (40~) per anim01, and the charO::;8 for inspect- <br />ing the slaughtoring of sheep and goats shall be. the sume of <br />twenty-five cents (250 per animal". <br /> <br />Mr. "Te;;" Hughson met th~ CouncIl and stated that he felt that he would like <br />to bTiefly give a breakdown of the yearly expenses of his business which he felt <br />vo1ould show his point that an incroase in inspection fees were not j-ustified. He <br />also stated that inspection fees, lncluding State Inspections, etc., were <br />$3,464.03 for the past year and of that amount $3,000.00 was paid to th~ City of <br />San Marcos. He stat~d that he felt that it was unjust for him to pay an IncrEase <br />5,11 inspection fees ~ihen other are allowed to do business within t.he <br />City limits, ,,\!ithout inspections, therefore, not givlng him a monopoly and asked <br />that consideration be given his requ(}st for the inspection fee price not, to be <br />changed" l'v1rfl Korff suggest0d that the Council leave a decision on the ordinance <br />up to the City Managex and was unanimously ag:reed upon by the Council. <br /> <br />I. <br /> <br />Due to a previous authorization of the City Council fOT the Mayor to purchase <br />51t313 aCl.'es of land to ext~nd the N/S rum'llsy at the Municipal Ai:rport, the City <br />Manager informed the Council that a deed of transfer had!::een executed and a check <br />for t.he sum of $1,062.60 Co200.00 per ;;cre) had oe(m delivered to Mrs. Mamie PuIs <br />and Mr. Edwa:rd Puls and requested that the CIty Council ratify the action of the <br />Mayor and accept the deed", Motion ~~as made by Mr. Steakley to accept this deed <br />f:rom the PuIs and was seconded by Mr. Beecroft and received a unanimous vote by <br />all members of the Council in favor of this motion. <br /> <br />The next. matter brought. t.o the attent.ion of the Council WaS a request to re- <br />view t.he valuations placed on c:crtaj.n properties within the City of San Marcos.: <br /> <br />A. Lots in the' F~ltner and Rio Vista Additions ovmed by Mr. John Stokes. <br />B. Inventory of the .J. c. Penney Company <br />C~ Lots in the Lindsey and Harvey Additions owned by George I. Nashingtoo.. <br /> <br />After a full review of the :reques,"t for I'eadju5tmE:~nts, it was the unanimous <br />deci.sion of the City Council tha.t no changes would be made in the Board of <br />Equalizatio:-;~ report, which had previously be~~n appr-oved by tbe Co'Cnci.l, and <br />fmffi which the 1957 Tax Roll had been prepared. If, the Board of EqualizatIDn <br />ftdt that an error had been made, a letter the recommended change shou.ld <br />be fo:rlNarded to thE) City Council Tsquesting that consider 2111 adjustment. <br />