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<br />On this, the 12th day of November, 1957, at 2 P.M., the Governing Body
<br />of the City of San Marcos, Texas, met in a Regular Session at the City Hall in
<br />San Marcos, Texas, with the fOllowing members present:
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />Mayor C. M. Allen
<br />Alderman S. R. Beecroft
<br />Alderman W. M. Davis
<br />Alderman B. D. Hillburn
<br />Alderman Herman Korff
<br />Alderman H. M. Steakley
<br />
<br />Also present were:
<br />
<br />B. R. Fuller, City Manager
<br />Carlyn Tatch, City Secretary
<br />Walter Buckner, San Marcos Record
<br />Mrs. Gerry Veidt, KCNY
<br />Dr. Ray E. McMeans, Golf Club Association
<br />Mr. Heck, Personnel Director, Camp Gary
<br />
<br />II
<br />
<br />A group of citizens interested in the San Marcos Golfer's Association
<br />met the board and requested temporary financial assistance. This groups'
<br />spokesman, Dr. McMeans, made a financial statement to the Council and stated
<br />that the Association was in dire need of financial aid. Dr. McMeans stated
<br />that he felt that with some assistance from the City, operations of the Golf
<br />Course could continue. At this time Mr. Heck, Personnel Director of Camp
<br />Gary, stated that many of the students were participants at the Course and
<br />felt that the Course was a most beneficial asset to the City, both as a re-
<br />creational feature and as an attraction to the tourist. It was the suggest-
<br />ion of the City Manager that the City contribute a lump sum to the Association
<br />now rather than staggered contributions as their financial needs were now.
<br />This was put into the form of a motion by Alderman Steakley to contribute
<br />$600.00 and was seconded by Alderman Beecroft, which carried unanimously by
<br />the members of the Council, therefore, City Check #5054, in this amount, was
<br />issued to cover this contribution.
<br />
<br />The Kiwanis Club requested permission to hold a "turkey shoot" On
<br />November 23rd out near the James Bowie School in the vacant area and stated
<br />that adequate safety precautions would be provided by the club. Being this
<br />area is in the City Limits and after some discussion, it was a unanimous
<br />decision by the Council to permit the shooting of guns for this occasion.
<br />
<br />The City Manager at this time submitted a report to the Council
<br />that for the months from January 1957 through October 1957, 10,976 head of
<br />cattle had been killed at the two slaughter houses from which was collected
<br />$2,744.00. The cost to the City for Inspection for this period of time was
<br />$3,750.00, whereas, under the fees now being studied by the Council, the
<br />City would have received $4,180.40, On motion made by Alderman Korff,
<br />seconded by Alderman Steakley, the Amendment of the Slaughterhouse Ordinance,
<br />which had been prepared by the City Attorney, to raise inspection fees on
<br />cattle and hogs from twenty-five cents (25~) to the sum of forty cents (40~)
<br />per animal, and the charge for inspecting the slaughtering of sheep and
<br />goats shall be the sum of twenty-five cents (25~) per animal (see "Section VT
<br />(a) of Slaughterhouse Ordinance Amendment), becoming effective January I, 1958.
<br />Upon roll call, the vote was as follows:
<br />
<br />Ayes:
<br />Nayes:
<br />
<br />Aldermen Beecroft, Hillburn, Korff and Steakley
<br />Alderman Davis
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />It was reported that on November 1, 1957, the Mayor designated the
<br />City Manager as Airport Manager of the San Marcos Municipal Airport. This
<br />is to be a collateral duty and in addition to present delegated responsibili-
<br />ties and was requested that the Council ratify the Mayor's action. On motion
<br />duly made by Alderman Hillburn and seconded by Alderman Steakley, it was a
<br />unanimous decision of the Council to accept the City Manager, Mr. Fuller, for
<br />this appointment.
<br />
<br />In accordance with Plumbing Code for the City of San Marcos, Texas,
<br />passed and approved October 9, 1951, Chapter 4, Section 401, providing for
<br />the creation of a Supervising Board of Plumbers, which is not known to be
<br />in existance at the present time. It was recommended that Mr. V. O. Halford
<br />be appointed to serve until January 1, 1959, and Mr. Eugene Funk be appointed
<br />to serve until January 1, 1960, thereafter their successors be appointed for
<br />