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<br />On this, the 10th day of December, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., the
<br />Governing Body of the city of San Marcos, Texas, met in a regular session
<br />at the City Hall of San Marcos, Texas, with the following members present
<br />and participating,
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />Mayor C. M. Allen
<br />Alderman W. M. Davis
<br />Alderman B. D. Hillburn
<br />Alderman Herman Korff
<br />Alderman H. W. Steakley
<br />
<br />Absent was,
<br />
<br />Alderman S. n. Beecroft
<br />
<br />Also attending were,
<br />
<br />Mr. B. R. Fuller, City Manager
<br />Carlyn Tatch, City Secretary
<br />Mrs. Roland Manske
<br />
<br />others attending were, Mrs. Ira Bowles, Bob storey, Jack Kercheville,
<br />Mrs. c. W. Scheib, R. B. McDonald, Bob Van Gundy, Paul Rogers, C. C. Crews,
<br />M. J. Bolton, Fred J. Richan, J. W. Hall, Jr., Fred W. Hofmann, Paul Hopson,
<br />Earl Allen, Jim H. Dyer, R. L. Bunting, E. N. Richardson, E. A. Bowman,
<br />R. L. Lightfoot, Jeff R. Jones and Anton J. Bek.
<br />
<br />A quorum being present the meeting was called to order by the Mayor
<br />and the following transpired~
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<br />I
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<br />A group of citizens representing inhabitants of the Park Addition,
<br />Cedar Plateau Addition and Spring Lake Hills met with the Council and
<br />requested approval of petition for incorporation into the City of San
<br />Marcos. The looyor stated that it was the policy of the City that upon
<br />petition of a majority of any group requesting annexation, same would
<br />be accepted by the Governing Body, at which time City utilities and
<br />maintenance would be provided.
<br />
<br />The first item taken for discussion was for petition for incorporat-
<br />ion of the Park Addition. The Council considered the approximate evalua-
<br />tion of assessed property in this addition. The City Manager stated that
<br />the assessed school tax evaluation was approximately $39,000.00, and es-
<br />timated approximately $50,000.00 property evaluation, inclUding property
<br />not occupied by homes. Mrs. Scheib stated that she and Dr. Scheib would
<br />dedicate a road, on Block 59, to the City and would give an easement to
<br />the City in order for the City to make the proper water and sewer line
<br />connections. Discussion was also made regarding the estimated number of
<br />fire plugs that would have to be installed, and it was stated by the City
<br />Manager that he felt that there would be an immediate necessity for one
<br />in the vicinity of the corner of Peach and Pecan Streets. The City Manager
<br />was at this time requested to consolidate a report, to be presented to the
<br />Council at a later date, on the actual amount of tax assessment of all
<br />property in this area and the approximate total cost of all sewer and water
<br />lines and installation of the necessary amount of fire plugs. On motion
<br />made by Alderman Steakley and seconded by Alderman Korff, it was the unani-
<br />mous decision to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the drawing up
<br />of the ordinance of incorporation after receiving the necessary petition.
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />Previously the Council instructed the City Manager to file a Site
<br />Proposal with the General Services Administration, offering the Old Library
<br />Lot as a possible site for the new post office. The City Manager informed
<br />the Council that a survey had been completed and the City Attorney was
<br />working on clearing the title on this property and that a proposal to GSA
<br />would be made before the dead-line date of December 16th.
<br />
<br />The City Manager reported to the Council that some time ago the meat
<br />inspector at the slaughter house, MI. Norman Jackson, had requested an
<br />increase in salary and it was recommended at that time by the city Manager,
<br />that the increase be effective when the inspection fees would be increased.
<br />On motion made by Alderman Hillburn and seconded by Alderman Davis, it
<br />was unanimously apprDved to increase Mr. Jackson's salary in the amount
<br />of $25.00 becoming effective on January 1, 1958.
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