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<br />~ <br />o~ ~ <br />0. ~ <br />"U \. \ <br />ii\; <br /> <br />, '., <br /> <br />~8 <br /><C~ <br />t;:A:z <br />~i <br />en <br /> <br />127 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE 1999- 7 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />MARCOS, TEXAS UPDATING AND CLARIFYING CHAPTER 42, <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION, OF THE SAN MARCOS CITY CODE; <br />INCLUDING PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR <br />PENAL TIES. <br /> <br />RECITALS: <br /> <br />1. The City Historic Preservation Commission has conducted public hearings and has reviewed the City's <br />Historic Preservation Ordinance provisions, Chapter 42 ofthe City Code, and on November 5, 1998 voted <br />to recommend to the City Council that a number of revisions to that ordinance be adopted. <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS: <br /> <br />SECTION 1. Chapter 42, Historic Preservation, of the City Code is amended as follows (underlining <br />indicates added wording and ovcrstrike indicates deleted wording): <br /> <br />Chapter 42 <br /> <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION <br /> <br />ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL <br /> <br />Sec. 42.001. Definitions. <br /> <br />In this chapter: <br /> <br />Appurtenant features are those which define the design of a building or property. Appurtenant <br />features include porches. railings. columns. shutters. steps. fences. attic vents. sidewalks. driveways. <br />fences. garages. carports. outbuildings. gazebos. arbors. ponds. and pools. <br /> <br />Contributing vroperty is a property fifty years old or older which contributes to a district's <br />historical significance through location. setting. design. construction. workmanship. or association with <br />historical persons or events. based on guidelines set forth by the National Park Service in the National <br />Register of Historic Places Criteria for Evaluation. <br /> <br />Exterior features include the architectural style, general design and general arrangement of the <br />exterior of a building or other structure, including thc color, the kind and texture of the building material <br />and the type and sty Ie of all windows, doors, walls. roofs. light fixtures, signs, other appurtenant features <br />fixturcs and othcr natural fcaturcs including significant trees and shrubbcry. For signs. the term exterior <br />features means the style. material. size. and location of all signs. For the purposes of this chapter. a <br />change in exterior color is not deemed to be a change in exterior features. <br /> <br />Local historic district or district means a geographically and locally defined area established under <br />Section 42.101 which possesses a significant concentration. linkage. or continuity of buildings. obiects. <br />sites. or structures united by past events or periods or styles of architecture. and which. by reason of such <br />factors. constitutes a distinct section of the city. Historic sites within a district need not be contiguous <br />for an area to constitute a district. All sites. buildings and structures within a district whether <br />contributing properties or not are subiect to the regulations of the district. III.5tOJ lea.l diM! let 61 hlstOJ ie <br />dl.5N let means an, alea which indudes or eneompa5ses historic sites, landmarb, buildings, signs, <br />appmtcnanees, stmetttres or objects as the historic pre,ser vation commission ma, determine, to be <br />appropriate for historical presCI vatiol1. The designated district need not be a single, c:,ndosed area nUl do <br />the, aleas or sites havc to be, contiguous to cOllstitutc a district. <br /> <br />Local historic landmark or landmark means any site. including a significant tree. building. or <br />structure of historic or aesthetic significance to the city. the state or the nation. designated as a landmark <br />under Section 42.103. lJiM01 IwllCtlld11lal k OJ hist01 Ie ICllld11lcU k means a11J site, including significant <br />trecs or other plant life located thercon, building, 01 strnetmc of particular historic or aesthetic <br />significance to the ciry, thc state or the nation. Landmarb include sites, buildings or stItletmes where <br />cuamal, political, spiritual, economic, social or artistic history of thc communi~, state or nation is <br />